Page 5 of Mafia Secrets

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TheroomthatDanieltakes me to has that fresh smell of newness that’s carried throughout the club. As he closes the door behind me, the noise of the club vanishes along with my courage. I’m wondering what I am doing here, but I know it's Daniel. He walks to a desk but doesn’t sit behind it; instead, he leans against the large, heavy oak table and folds his arms. He appears formidable. His gaze holds nothing but boredom, and I’d question if he even remembered me; only he had used my name outside in front of my friends.

Right now, he appears bored. “I didn’t know this was your club,” I say, self-conscious of my appearance. I’m tempted to run my hand across my ponytail or straighten my suit jacket.

“If you had known, would you have come?” He questions. His voice rumbles across my flesh. He’s still Daniel, just older, more good looking, if that’s even possible. His blue eyes always had the power to make me feel like I was the only person in the world that he saw. I glance away as a million emotions rush through me all at once. His question should have a simple answer, like yes or no, but would I have come with friends if I had known this was his club?

“I don’t know,” I say and sound pathetic.

He unfolds his arms and tilts his head like I’m something to be examined under a microscope.

“I don’t want your drinks.” I find myself saying. I glance at the paintings that hang on the wall. The scenes are of pure Irish beauty. The wilderness, the landscape, the barren green fields. None of them match the dark soul that takes a step toward me.

“Then don’t drink them. But…” He grins like he knows something I don’t. “Your friends seem to be enjoying them.”

He’s right; everyone is enjoying their free drinks and talking about who Daniel is. Crystal is already besotted. When she said he was dreamy in a dark and untouchable kind of way, I wanted her to stop. She had no right to look at him like that. I had no right to feel so protective over him, to be fair. It’s been years since we saw each other.

Johnathan was the only person who refused the drink. I don’t know if it’s because of how stiff I became after Daniel left.

“So, what do you want?” Daniel asks and takes a step toward me.

What do I want? I don’t know. I wanted to see if he was still the same person I left behind. Not a night passed when I didn’t think about him. “I….” I frown and fold my arms over my chest even as Daniel continues to advance toward me. He stops walking, towering above me like some looming god. A part of me is giddy, but another part tells me to stop this, to leave and return to my friends. There is so much to say, but as I look into Daniel's gaze, I wonder if he even cared that I left or if he easily moved on to another girl. He had so many admirers that I knew he wouldn’t be alone, not for a second.

“I just wanted to thank you for the drinks but also to say that we are fine.” I sound so stupid.

A shiver starts at the base of my spine and dances in swirls all the way to my neck as Daniel reaches out; one finger touches my cheek, stealing any air that remains in my lungs. I’m tempted to close my eyes; his touch feels like home. It’s a touch I’ve yearned for. His cologne circles me. As his gaze slides across my face and pierces through my flesh, it worms its way around my heart, causing my pulse to beat rapidly. I’m tempted to rip the watch off my wrist that tracks my heart rate. What if it starts to beep with my erratic beats?

“That’s all I wanted to say.” I pivot and try to take calm steps to the door. He doesn’t stop me, and when I open the door, sound comes crashing back in, and it’s like stepping into another world. A world without Daniel. I pause at the door, the urge to turn around and explain everything to him. But he isn’t asking any questions, so this is just a one-way thing. Me not letting him go. He obviously has moved on and up in the world. I close the door, and each step is heavy as I move across the club. A few people are dancing. When Johnathon appears in front of me, it pulls me back to the present.

“Dance with me?” he asks.

I’m startled by his request and also the exchange I just had with Daniel. I find myself being swept onto the dance floor. The music isn’t particularly slow, but Jonathan places his hand on my hip, the other curls around my back, and I let him lead me. I’m not much of a dancer, but I’m so aware of everything around me. Jonathan’s hands should make me feel something, but that one finger that Daniel touched me with had such an impact. I find myself reaching up and touching my cheek.

“Are you okay?” Jonathan asks, and I realize I’ve stopped dancing.

No. I’m not okay. I’m pining over a boy whom I loved, whom I never stopped loving. I had expected Daniel to follow me to England, to find me and take me back where I belonged with him. Even as a young man, he wielded more power than my uncle. He could have gotten me back if he wanted me.

He didn’t. I remind myself. I’m being stupid. I know that. But, being here in his club, with his scent still so vivid in my memory, it’s hard to think straight.

“Yeah. I’m fine,” I mumble.

I can tell from the look in Jonathan’s eyes that he doesn’t believe me. This time Jonathan stops dancing his focus on someone behind me. I don’t even have to turn around to know who it is.




Ishouldbefocusedon the attacks on my business. Not worrying about the guy who’s dancing with Lily. After she left my office, I watched her on the cameras. Saw him approach her and take her to the small dance floor in front of the bar.

Violence vibrates through my system as I leave and approach them. “Is he bothering you?” I ask her but keep staring at him.

“N-n-no,” She stutters. He still hasn’t removed his hands from her waist. I consider dragging him away from her.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” The guy has the nerve to ask.

I grin at him, but it’s with venom. “I’m Daniel O’Reagan. Who are you?”
