Page 12 of Pride

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“Maybe I’ll see you around some time.” He releases me and steps away.

“I hope so,” I reply, walking off the dance floor in the opposite direction. It’s the first time I’ve gotten away with flirting with a guy before and I must admit I like him based on the first encounter. He seems genuine and down to earth.

Dad’s glaring at me as he talks to some balding, middle-aged man. I can tell he wants to have a word with me, so I move in the opposite direction at speed.

Isiah appears out of nowhere, forcing me to an abrupt halt to avoid slamming into him. “I’d be careful around that man if I were you.”

I narrow my eyes. “I think I can make a perfectly fine judgement on who to be careful around.” I try to sidestep around him, but he blocks my path.

His jaw works. “Wick isn’t suitable for you. He’s not here as a bachelor.”

I smirk as it seems Mr. Darcy doesn’t like me getting close to another man, which is amusing considering he was fawning over another woman no more than ten minutes ago.

“Perhaps in the future, if you don’t want me to dance with another man, you should bend your rules and dance with me first.” I hold his gaze. “Now, is there anything I can help you with, or are you going to move out of my way?”

When he doesn’t respond, I try to move past him, only for him to grab my wrist forcefully.


“Listen to me, Bella,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “Your father likes me the most and therefore you’ll accept me as your husband. I’m coming to dinner at your home tomorrow evening and I intend to have the deal sealed before you can say the word no.”

I draw in a deep breath. “I’m not marrying you.”

He smirks, and it’s a wicked smile that makes me feel sick to the stomach. Something tells me that this suave and sophisticated exterior is a disguise for a man who is rotten to the core. If his arrogance isn’t off putting enough, then that alone is enough to warn me to stay clear of him. “We both know that you don’t actually get a say in it.”

I glare at him. “Do we?

“And I’d say your father is set on me as your husband to be.” He leans toward me and his lips brush the edge of my ear. “And what is it you’re set on?”

I swallow hard as a flush of heat rushes through my body.

I’m about to answer when he says, “And don’t say James Wick or I’ll ensure he doesn’t leave this club alive tonight. That’ll be the perfect way to remove him from the equation.”

He talks of killing a man as if it’s nothing more than ordering a drink at the bar, with far too much ease.

“I’m set on not marrying anyone.” I don’t let him scare me despite the fact I’m pretty certain he means it. He would murder James if he thought that somehow I’d end up with him instead.

He shifts back enough to look into my eyes, and I wish his weren’t so alluring. “And you honestly believe that’s an option?”

“I think that in this day and age, a woman should have the freedom to decide if she wants to marry or not.”

Isiah nods. “You would think so, but that’s not how it works, Miss Benedetto.”

“The world has to find a way to discriminate against women in some way.”

The edge of his lips quirk into a slight smile at that comment. “A feminist then?”

“Perhaps, but it’s difficult to be a feminist in my circumstances.”

He invades my personal space again, his lips brushing against my cheek. “You are too young, Miss Benedetto, to understand sexuality and femininity. Wait until you’ve been dominated by a real man in bed and see if you are still a feminist, love.”

I yank away from him with a gasp. “Don’t be such a pig.” I turn around and walk away from him, despite my entire body being on fire. No one has ever spoken to me in that way before.

“I’ll see you tomorrow evening, Bella,” he calls after me, but I can’t look back. If I do, he’ll know how much his dirty words affected me. And I don’t want that cocky asshole to have that power over me.


