Page 71 of Pride

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“Sorry for the wait.”

I freeze, terror striking deep within me as I know that voice. Trying to scramble off the masseuse table, I don’t get very far when a palm wraps around the back of my neck and yanks me away from the bench and into him. “You were booked in for a fucking massage with a man, Bella,” he growls, voice like ice.

“I didn’t book this fucking massage. I didn’t even want it!”

Isiah’s warm breath ghosts over my face as he’s so close—too close. “It doesn’t matter. You belong to me, and I won’t have any other man touching you. Do you understand?”

“Then assign me a fucking female masseuse to give me one.”

His eyes narrow. “I don’t want anyone else touching you, man or woman.”

“You’ve got a screw loose.”

He tilts his head. “Maybe.”

There’s one silver lining to the fact that Isiah is right here in this room with me. He’s not on his way back to Washington to try to get ahead of my story about his fucked-up board in his apartment.

“Are you here to explain what I saw this morning?” I ask.

“You saw nothing but my research into a family I’m considering an alliance with.”

I shake my head. “I know what I saw, and that was fucked up. How did you even know I was at the spa this morning?”

“I’m the king of fucking London, love. I know everything that goes on in my city.”

“Bullshit. The city is too big for you to know everything.” Her eyes narrow. “Are you tracking my aunt’s phone?”

He smirks and opens my robe without a word, making me heat as he takes in my almost naked body. All I’m wearing are my panties. “It’s lucky I got here before that masseuse came in here. If I’d found him with his hands on you, he’d have lost them, and that would have been a very bloody ordeal.”

Dread creeps down my spine as I notice the coldness in his eyes. He isn’t joking. “That’s ridiculous. He’s just doing a job.”

“I don’t care.” Isiah forces me around and pushes me back down on the table, face first. “Only I get to touch you.”

“No, we’re not married,” I say, trying to overpower him, but he’s too strong. “You don’t have any right to touch me.”

He laughs, a cruel and vindictive sound that sends terror right through my heart. “I owned you from the second we met, love.” His hands land on my ass cheeks in a firm spank. “Your eyes gave away what you wanted, even if your mouth denied it. You wanted me then, and you still want me now… even when I treat you like shit.”

“That’s not true!” I hate the way my stomach clenches knowing I’m lying. Despite everything, that attraction I felt the first day we met just doesn’t want to quit.

Isiah’s fingers skate down my spine, making me shiver, pausing at the waistband of my panties. And then, he tears them off without warning, and suddenly his hot tongue is probing at my soaking wet pussy. Pleasure rips through me like a thunderbolt.

“Isiah!” I cry out his name, unable to deny the pleasure coursing through me, despite the hatred I feel for him.

He devours my pussy, licking deeper with each thrust of his tongue. “So delicious and all mine,” he murmurs, fingers digging into my stinging ass cheeks. And then he does something that takes my breath away and shocks me to the core. His tongue circles my asshole, making me tense.

“What are you—?” I try to ask what he’s doing but am silenced by a sharp swat.

“I’m licking your tight little asshole, love. I intend to fuck it soon enough,” he murmurs as his lips brush my sensitive flesh.

“No chance,” I say, trying to scramble away from him.

He grabs my hips before I get anywhere and yanks me back toward him, and then he’s licking my asshole again. I hate how good it feels, the illicit thrill of him doing that to such a forbidden part of my body. “You know you don’t get a say in the matter, Bella,” he growls against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

The way he says my name sounds so dirty as he continues to lick me, sending a new kind of pleasure through me. My pussy is dripping onto the massage table and no doubt making a mess.

He pulls away from me and I glance over my shoulder to see him grinning wickedly. “I’d say by the way you’re wetter than I’ve ever seen before, you’re quite into the idea of getting fucked in your tight little asshole.” His voice is low and husky, sending a new wave of pleasure through me.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, wishing he’d just make me come and fuck off already. It’s an odd sensation, wanting him to pleasure me and yet hating being in his presence. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
