Page 4 of Heavy Shot

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"I am standing right here," Thad said.

Rhiannon looked over her glasses at him. "Yes, we know."

Kline mouthed, "Rick" to Thad over her head. "Just his type."

"Just who's type?" Rhiannon asked. She pointed to the mirror behind Thad's head and flicked her auburn hair over her shoulder."I read lips."

"Backwards?Shit!" Kline laughed in appreciation. "I'm single--you want to be my type?”

"That depends."

“On what?"

"How nicely you ask," she said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, darling," Kline chuckled, a purr sliding into his voice. "I'll ask as nicely as you need.Like to go have a drink sometime?"

Rhiannon smiled. "Oh, you are smooth, aren't you?"

"Unless you like it rough.”

She cocked an eyebrow. "I don't give that kind of information to men I've just met. But you might get a chance to find out," she said, producing a card. "Give me a call and we'll see."

Thad was rolling his eyes. "Leave my boss alone, Scott," he sighed. "Anyway, I thought you wanted me to introduce her to Rick?"

"That was before I met her," Kline smiled crookedly, not taking his eyes from Rhiannon's.

“Don’t you have an interview to get to?” Thad reminded.

“Fuck!” Kline looked at his watch. “Shit. Yes. Jack’s with Vangie,” he reminded. “Delia’s around here somewhere.”

“I’ll keep an eye out. If he goes missing, I’ll just give you one of mine.”

“Fair,” Kline said. He pointed a finger at Rhiannon. "I'll be calling you.”

"I know," she said, turning to Thad. "I'll have the other pages for you shortly."

"There are more? How long are we in the laundry room?"

"The other pages are for the bedroom scene. That's the last reshoot."

"Oh. Right. Thanks."

She nodded, then excused herself and walked away.

"Hotcha," Kline breathed. He was gathering himself to head to the studio where Chelsea was taping. "I need to come back to serial television.There be hotties here."

"There be," Thad agreed with the same pirate accent Kline had put on, starting to walk with him. "But aren't you seeing that Kara Viceroy? Speaking of hot?"

"Speaking of bitch, more like." Kline laughed."No. I took her out once or twice while we were on location, but that's it."

"Did you tap that?"

Kline nodded."She shags like a corpse."

Thad grimaced. "Shame."

"Yeah. Waste of time," Kline said, shaking his head. "Then again, that’s pretty much in line with my track record."
