Page 52 of Heavy Shot

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Rhiannon looked at the time. It was nearly midnight and Gus was up tailoring? "Sounds great. I'm sure you'll be stunning," Rhiannon said, "as always."

"I'll be practically nude if he keeps hemming," Jill snorted.“He's rolling his eyes at me now.Oh, and he's waving at you."

"I'm waving back," Rhiannon said. "The dress sounds fantastic and I'm sure I would love it."

Kline mouthed "Jill?" to Rhiannon and she nodded. "So how was New York?"

"Oh," Jill's tone flattened measurably, "it was rough.Rough."

"I'm sure it was. The press has been kind, though. I just saw the footage of your stroll in Central Park. You appeared to be holding up well."

"Stroll in Central Pa--Oh!With Kline? Footage, huh?You know, I think Kline being there made all the difference. They weren't going to eat me alive because he's a much bigger name than Gary. Kowtow to the name, you know?He really rescued me."

"Yeah," Rhiannon said, quietly. "Well, I'm glad you survived, anyway. Listen, I've gotta go. You kinda caught me in the middle of something."

"Oh sure.I'm sorry--before you go, do you want to get together for lunch?"

"Um, sure, when?"

"Are you free tomorrow? I’ve got the Grammys Sunday, so that’s no good or I’d suggest brunch."

"No. Maybe next week? I'll check my schedule on Monday and give you a call."

"Okay," Jill said unsurely, reading something strange in Rhiannon's voice."Well, I'll let you get back to what you were doing."

"Right. See ya," Rhi said, as cheerily as she could manage before ending the call.

Kline put the phone back up on the counter, then helped Rhiannon to her feet. "You okay?"

"I don't know. You told Jill about us--well, I'd told her about us, too. But you told her, and she still tried to get together with you?"

He sighed. "Yeah. I know it's upsetting, but I don't think she was trying to hurt you. I don't think she was thinking clearly. The divorce really shook her up."

"Maybe. But she and I have known each other for a long time, and it just doesn't seem like she would do something like that. She was encouraging me to be with you."

"I don't know what to say," Kline shrugged.

"Maybe nothing.I'm going to go take a shower."

As she passed through the center of the house, she caught sight of Kline through the glass hallway. He had picked up his phone and looked to be headed for the deck. Was he calling Jill?

Rhiannon stood under the shower, scrubbing her body and trying to scrub her mind. She wasn’t sure she could believe what Kline said to her, but she was also sure that Jill had never been honest about her level of interest in the actor. She knew her own mind, though, and her own level of interest, and she was damned if she was going to let Jill Parker snake this man out from under her.

When Kline finally made it back to his bedroom, he found Rhiannon in the closet, hanging things up.

"I thought we were returning that stuff?"

She shrugged, tucking away a pair of jeans. Jill didn’t have any clothes in his closet. "It's growing on me. I just don't have any room in my closet for it."

He smiled. "Those things look good in there."

"You think?"

"Absolutely.You know, Jack's going to like you a lot. He's home on Friday."

"Yeah? I can't wait to meet him."

"I've told him about you."
