Page 23 of Tempted

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Lucy moved closer. “Like I said, a real-life….”

“Don’t say hero, ‘cause I’m not that. I just try not to be an asshole and make sure I’m on the right side of karma.” Silence met the end of his long-winded speech, and he knew that however things landed between them, he’d said his truth.

Lucy pulled him close and bestowed a kiss that contained all the words he could’ve hoped for, appreciation, approval, and a big helping ofgive me more of that.

A fine answer as far as he was concerned.


The tumultuous tides of infatuation were never easy, and Lucy knew that having the town invested in the outcome of her liaison with Linc would only make things more challenging. A concept he wasn’t willing to entertain if the conversation they’d just had was any indication.

She banged down her phone and hoped some of her annoyance would magically seep through it and bite the man’s very fine behind. His minimization of her concern regarding the rumors swirling around town was so frustrating. How could he not see how difficult untangling the stories about their impending nuptials would be?

She had already fielded several calls from the more active gossips and did what she could to disabuse them of the notion that she was pregnant and having a shotgun wedding the following week. Staring out the window of her sister’s house, she decided that the only way to make the rumors die down was to keep her distance from Linc. If they refrained from kissing on every street corner, then people would have nothing to talk about, and any interest in their connection would disappear before the month’s end.

Feeling satisfied with the strategy, she smoothed out her dress. It’s not like it was going to be challenging to avoid Linc and his too-tempting lips. She’d simply start driving herself into town and not carpool like they’d been doing. And as far as the bookstore went—she’d stay in the front and ignore his presence in the back. Coffee breaks that included canoodling and shared lunches that featured hands landing in inappropriate places would be no more!

They’d simply return to being casual acquaintances and keep their grabby hands to themselves until people found something more interesting to discuss and the news cycle picked up.

Easy as pie.

Hearing her phone alarm ping made her realize that self-reflection was over, and it was time to start setting up for the annual lake run. Half the town would be milling about before noon, and she and her sister had a treat table to organize.

And Hawker men to avoid. If something like that was even possible.

Two hours later, Lucy stood with Bea, watched the first runners take off, and prayed everyone would be too engrossed in the athletes to make further inquiries about her personal life. “Why are people interested in Linc and me? We surely are not the only adults in Haven snogging.”

“I think the more important question is, why do you care if people fill their free time speculating?” Bea tipped her head. “You’ve been the star of some of the town’s more sensational stories before. It’s not like people poking their noses into your business is new.”

“It feels different,” Lucy said quietly.

“That’s because it matters.”

Lucy turned. The woman was gifted with the sight, and it was prudent to pay attention when she said something so definitive. “Is that an aura thing, a tarot thing, or…”

“My spirit guides made it very clear during my morning meditation that whatever happens between you and Linc will be life-changing.”

“Good life-changing or something that requires me to move away and assume a new identity?”

“Not sure,” Bea replied with a smile.

“I thought that Linc wouldn’t be more than a fling. He’s not going to permanently reside in Haven, so anything long-term is a no-go.”

“I don’t know what the result will be, but know it’s not a fling, situationship, or anything that lacks meaning.”

“Well, could you ask your spirit guides to be a little more definitive the next time you chat? Because I was planning on avoiding him until the gossip dies down.”

“Never put your life on hold because of other people’s actions or opinions.” Bea hip bumped Lucy. “The time you have with another person is not guaranteed, as you well know, and I’d hate to see you miss any drop of happiness because you don’t want to be the subject du jour at the town’s dinner table.”

The weight of Bea’s words dropped on her shoulder since there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t give to have one more dinner with her dad. He’d been her favorite person in the world, and there wasn’t a day that she didn’t still feel the loss. His early departure and Olivia’s brush with death had marked her psyche, and she knew it was why she’d clipped her own adventurous wings and stayed in Haven. A decision that she didn’t regret to this day. She let the old sad feelings slip away and focused on the Hawker men. “And what did your spirit guides tell you about Asher?”

“Nothing since I can’t receive for myself.”

Lucy squeezed Bea’s hand. “You don’t often burn two bundles of sage, but you did this morning, and that tells me you already know what’s in store for you and the JAG officer.”

“Free will trumps everything. I may be an oracle of sorts, but that doesn’t mean that I leave my fate up to the stars, my spirit guides, or anything else. Asher is not the one for me, and I will do everything within my power to resist any force that tries to say otherwise.”

Lucy laughed. “Does that mean I should ignore your earlier speech about drops of happiness?”
