Page 35 of Tempted

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“Olivia told me I couldn’t, so I’m practicing love and light and hoping that Zane gets himself straightened out.” Turning, she gave him a sharp half-smile. “But, make no mistake, my positive vibe will turn on a dime if he plays with my sister’s affections. I’m light and love right up to the moment that someone messes with my family. I believe in consequences. And doling them out when karma takes too long.”

“Noted.” He turned one of her rings. “Are we talking straight-up revenge or something so beautifully crafted that no one suspects where the reign of terror originated?”

“I’ll let you answer that yourself.”

Linc let out a half-laugh. “I’ve heard the rumors about you and Gigi and am surprised that you all have let your pretty boy ex get away with the harassment and shade he’s been throwing around.”

“Believe me, if it were up to Gigi, vengeance would’ve been served weeks ago.” She stretched out her legs. “I don’t want to give him the attention he craves so desperately. You were right earlier; time is precious. The last thing I want to do is waste another minute on that washed-up lothario.”

“Good,” he said quietly. “Because we’ve got more interesting things to do with our time.”

Turning so they were face-to-face, Lucy lifted her mouth into a smile. “Like what? Do you have a list?”

“I do, but it’s better communicated through show and tell.”

Staying as still as she could, she felt the need that had been shimmering between them shift. The world slid into slow motion like some kind of stop-motion that happened in action movies. The cicadas serenading them went eerily silent, and the wind blowing a minute before stopped.

She watched him lean in and closed her eyes a second before he captured her lips. Arching closer to what she hoped he was asking for, she unfisted the last of her reservations as Linc moved his lips down her jaw, making her shudder.

The man’s grasp was uncompromising as he raked his hand over her hip—profane even and a bit wicked.

The kiss was just as aggressive and made her feel like they were having sex with mouths and hands. How could he know that it was exactly what she’d longed for?

His body pressed against hers as she collapsed against the porch, and she knew that he wasn’t a false advertiser since the length of steel pressing against her leg was impressive.

Without thought, her leg slid around his hip. The word “closer” circled her mind on an endless loop, and she knew that all her trepidation about getting entangled with Linc had been on point. The man was a tsunami that she didn’t expect to survive.

He greedily nipped at her tongue while fisting his hand into her hair. “Is this okay?”


Growling, he lifted his mouth away. “Give me words, Lucy.”

Basking in the predatory hum, she dragged her nails up the corded muscles of his back. Shuddering with a groan, he kissed her again, and she accepted the primal warning of what was to come.

“Talk to me.” He fisted more hair. “Say it. Give me the words.”

“Yes.” She pressed their mouths together, feeling the tension in his body lessen. “Yes.”

“Yes,” he repeated as he rose to his feet, scooped her up, and moved toward the door.

“Is my inked-up prince sweeping me off my feet?”

“Absolutely.” He pushed the door with his hip. “You ready to show me all of you?”

“As I’ll ever be.” She grasped his face and gave him the dirtiest kiss she could, hoping it showed him that she was ready to play.

To hell with soul evolution, protecting one’s soft underbelly and inconvenient friends with nefarious plans. She wanted what Linc had on offer and decided one night wouldn’t lead to utter decimation.

God willing, she wouldn’t be proven wrong.


Linc tumbled into the house with Lucy in his arms, knowing that intimacy wasn’t always about sex; sometimes, it was about truth and showing someone who you were.

Were he and Lucy capable of making that leap?

Dropping her to her feet gently, he held her arms. “After we do some seriously dirty things to each other, I want to embark on a journey that will allow me to know the softness of your heart and the depth of your spirit.”
