Page 41 of Tempted

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He tipped his chin toward the beer in the man’s hand. “How many of those have you had?”

“Just this one.” He leaned in. “I was initially put off by the trouble she seemed to be intent on stirring up but think it may not be quite the barrier I initially thought.” Tipping his chin toward Julie, he let out a sigh. “Don’t you think she looks like an angel?”

Linc looked past the man’s wide shoulder and wondered what the hell he was talking about. Julie sat on a bench with a scowl that would scare the Devil, matted hair, and sweats featuring a few interesting stains. He was the first to admit that physical beauty had little to do with true attraction but didn’t understand why Manny thought his old friend was anything less than a ball full of trouble and heartache. “Don’t know if I’m qualified to comment.”

“Do you think she’d be interested in getting to know me?”

“You’re a decent guy, and normally I’d encourage you to pursue your heart’s desire; it’s just that….”

“Wait, are you trying to keep her for yourself?” He stepped back. “Because that is all kinds of bullshit if you’re pursuing Lucy.”

Linc shook his head. “I have less than zero romantic interest in my childhood friend.”

“Then, what’s the problem?”

“Julie is hell on wheels, and you seem too good-natured to want to take on a spitfire with boundary issues and a craving for adventure.”

Manny ran his hand over his plaid shirt. “Sometimes a good man wins, and I could be just the one she’s been looking for.”

Linc knew his interference wouldn’t be welcomed, no matter how well-intentioned. People had to follow their path, learn their lessons, and move toward the next one without him trying to point them toward an easier road. “Go for it.” He swept up his arm. “She loves anything with sugar, so if I were you, I’d lead with that.”

Manny slapped him on the back. “Appreciate it.”

Before he could make sense of the latest development, he saw Lucy strolling in his direction.

Pitter. Patter. His heart did its favorite dance when she was anywhere near the vicinity. “Hello, sweetheart.”

“You look bewildered; is everything alright?”

“Yeah. Of course.” He took her hand. “When do the kiddos start their dance around the maypole?”

“In about thirty minutes.” She leaned away. “Something is bothering you.”

Running his hands through his hair, he let out a sigh. “It seems that Manny has a little crush on Julie.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, I guess not. It’s just that I’d hate to see the guy trampled, and that’s all but guaranteed because my old friend is like a tornado that leaves very little standing once she’s blown through.”

“That’s not the end of the world, and you should know that at least five men have described me as terrifying. A spirited woman is perfect for the right man.” Lucy looked over her shoulder. “Perhaps I should chat with Julie and see if she’d be interested in friendship. That way, I could remind her that turning down one’s fire is never a good idea.”

Linc put his hands up. “I’m not suggesting she should bow to cultural norms and start acting like some medicated woman who only agrees with people.”

“Then what are you suggesting?”

He knew the answer was important. “I think she’s got some soul work to do before she’s ready for a committed relationship.” Lucy’s mouth tilted up at the corners, and he took a small breath. “Of all my skills, the power to make you smile is by far my favorite, and in case you had any confusion, I plan on using it recklessly.”

“I look forward to it.” She moved closer. “Sometimes, lessons are best learned when we face what we fear most, and unfortunately, often means that one has to walk into the fire of relationships.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He pulled her against his chest. “Are you ready to walk into that fire with me?”

“I might be.” She ran her hand over his shirt.

“Good, because I’m counting on you being my greatest challenge and, if I’m lucky, my greatest reward.”

“Same,” she said quietly.

Embracing her tightly, he prayed that she meant it.
