Page 47 of Tempted

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Zane doesn’t even know what I’m doing up here. I just started last week and couldn’t stop.”

“Please, let me hire you. Come to my store and do whatever you want.”

“Like a paying job?” Julie asked curiously.

“Of course.” She gave the woman a side hug. “Your work is brilliant, and everyone should be able to see it.”


“Where is that bottle of wine? We need to open it so you can tell me everything little thing about you and how you became such an incredible artist.”

Julie let out a rusty laugh. “You really are serious about this friendship thing, aren’t you?”

“Of course.” She pursed her lips together. “I never make offers that I don’t intend to keep.”

“But I was such a bitch to you.”

“Do you plan on continuing?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Good.” She tugged her toward the box that held the wine. “Then we’ll start fresh.”

Julie planted her feet. “But I said some nasty things about you and tried to lure Linc away.”

She tilted her head. “I’m guessing that you have no real interest in Linc and are merely casting about for distraction because you haven’t figured out your next move yet.” When Julie’s eyes widened, she knew she’d hit the nail on the head. “If you’re ready to leave the nasty bunny act behind, then I’m willing to forget the nonsense of the past.”

“Just like that?”

Lucy threw up her hands and smiled. “Of course. We have much more important things to focus on.”

“Like what?”

“Getting your work into the public eye so you can pursue a path that lights your soul on fire. And seeing if Manny has any sort of chance at your heart.” She grabbed the bottle of wine. “Let’s go open this and discuss all the delicious possibilities.”

Julie followed Lucy down the staircase. “I don’t have a choice about this, do I?”

“Free will trumps everything, but I’ve found that my tenacity can kick free will’s ass when I see something that needs to be done.”

“Good to know.”

Lucy looked over her shoulder. “This is going to be so much fun. The ladies will adore you once we tell them you’re not a shrew but simply a misunderstood artist.”

When Julie nodded, she took it as agreement and knew she’d done the right thing.

Linc walked into the bookstore and was surprised to see Margret sitting behind the large desk. “Hello there.”

“You look surprised to see me holding down the fort.”

“I am. Lucy didn’t say anything this morning, so I assumed she’d be here all day.”

“One should never make assumptions about the women in this family.” She slid off the chair and walked around the large desk. “We are a mercurial bunch and can’t be pinned down by society’s conventions.”

“A trait I admire deeply.” When he received nothing more than an inquisitive once over, he knew some sort of questioning was in the offing. “I spent the afternoon at Desmond’s house and had the pleasure of hearing stories about my grandparents.”

“Oh, we do miss them.” Margret twined her pearls into a knot. “They were the most entertaining people in Haven for over forty years.”

“Yeah, I kinda got that. It seems they were quite the couple.”
