Page 59 of Tempted

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“You sure about that?”

“Yes, but they are too busy to be disturbed.” Ken strode toward the door and held it open. “Let’s go outside.”

“Sure, whatever you want.” He ambled in the direction of the open door and smiled when he walked into the courtyard.

When Ken joined him, he gave himself a minute to study the man with whom Lucy had been involved. There was no denying he was a good-looking son of bitch—polished as all get out and clearly dumber than a box of rocks.

“Anytime,” Ken said impatiently.

Linc stuck his hand in his pocket. “I hear you have a little plan cooked up to make life for my girl difficult.”

Spitting out a laugh, Ken shook his head. “Never thought Lucy would let someone else fight her battles.”

“A statement like that makes me wonder why you have any kind of desire to be in a skirmish with Lucy.” He shook his head. “Are you that butt hurt that she ended things?” Seeing the man’s countenance change quickly let him know he’d hit the target.

“Not that it matters, but I was the one who broke things off.”


“I’ve got more offers than I know what to do with.” Pushing out a fake laugh, he glanced around. “She’s the one that lost out.”

“And yet you drive past her store several times a day and keep tabs on her like she’s a diamond you’re afraid to lose.”

“It’s a small town, and driving past her store is inevitable.”

“But circling the block a dozen times a day isn’t.”

“You have your facts wrong.”

“Doubt it since your red Camaro is hard to miss.” He leaned forward. “I want to make sure that you understand that underneath my chill lays the heart of the meanest son of a bitch you’ll ever encounter.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“No.” Taking a step back, he smiled. “Just giving you the facts.”

“I have no interest in your facts and don’t plan to waste a minute on Lucy Bennett.”

“That’s excellent. Then we have nothing further to discuss.” He started to turn and then stopped. “Just make sure you don’t disappoint me by pulling some bullshit and messing with Lucy. Because the last thing I want to do is show you what a million dollars worth of training looks like.” He tipped his chin. “You have yourself a good day.” Whistling, he strode away and felt confident that he’d delivered his message.

Lucy looked out her apartment window and wondered what sort of business Linc had in the little center where Bea’s yoga studio was. She tapped her finger against her chin and realized that Asher had leased some office space next to Bea’s. Linc was probably going to do some updates for Asher and spiff up the offices.

Hearing her phone, she spun around and grabbed it. “Hello, brilliant baby sister.”

“It’s too quiet.”

“Is that how super-operators greet their favorite sister these days?”

“I’m not an operator, Lucy.”

“And yet your little beach house is more secure than the Pentagon and has a basement that no one is allowed into.”

“When am I getting some of those horrible macrame holders you’ve been creating?”

“Okay, we’re going to avoid and deflect.”

“I’m checking in.” A loud huff slid through the phone. “I’ve got a trojan ready to go. The minute Ken attempts to crash your system, it will be counter-attacked.”

“I’m not sure what that means.”
