Page 66 of Tempted

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Linc leaned against the hardware store's wall and hoped Hoyt wouldn’t happen by. The last thing he needed from the reborn relationship pundit was more words of wisdom. The man had become relentless and taken it upon himself to offer counsel whenever they were in each other’s company.

A generous gesture, without a doubt. But annoying as hell since each pebble of wisdom was accompanied by an unmistakable sense of superiority. The man manifested one victory. He didn’t discover the secret to everlasting happiness.

Realizing that he was inhabiting the corner of bitterness and jealousy, he shook the bad thoughts off and told himself that he was merely in the trough of the wave. Before too long, he’d be spit out, and there would be nothing but sunshine and clarity.

Hearing the heavy clunk of boots, he turned and saw Zane heading in his direction. “Is everything being loaded up in the truck?”

“Allen said we’re next in line, so we have at least forty minutes.”

“Okay.” He looked at the bookstore longingly and wondered if he’d let enough time pass. Was it too early to check in and see if Lucy was ready to reconcile?

“I gotta ask….”

He turned toward his cousin and tried to ignore the irritating contented smile he wore. “Is this where the tables flip, and you offer me words of wisdom?”

“Doubt that I have any of use since I’m not sure what portal opened that allowed Olivia to give me a chance.”

“I don’t know what made me do it,” he said quietly. “I was sure my steed was locked in the barn, and the armor was behind a barricaded door in the basement.” Shaking his head, he let out a groan. “Why did I interfere and think that Lucy would welcome my rescue?”

“I’m not giving you an excuse, but exactly how were you supposed to ignore your genetic programming and a decade serving in the military? You see someone under threat, and you act. We come from a long family tradition of serving and protecting. Even our free-thinking grandfather served in the Navy.”

“I thought that I was more evolved and further down the road.” He kicked his boot against the brick wall and decided he needed some kombucha and a couple of Elaine’s horrible cookies. “I’m gonna run down to the health food store. Do you want to come with me?”

“No, thanks.” He took a step back. “I’m in the good graces of my future mother-in-law, and that won’t last if I keep refusing her baked goods.”

“Understood.” He pushed himself away from the store and sauntered away, hoping that Elaine might have a bit of wisdom to share.

When he pushed through the store's screen door, he noticed a distinct lack of bird chatter. “Anyone home?”

Elaine popped her head out of the dry goods aisle and waved. “Over here, just making sure the granola isn’t mingling with the oatmeal.”

“Probably a good idea,” he commented as he walked over. “Can’t have those two cereals crossbreeding.”

Elaine straightened a box and then hugged Linc. “You haven’t been by in days; is everything alright?”

Returning the hug, he soaked in the warm vibes. “Wasn’t sure that I was still welcome.”

Elaine gave him one last squeeze and then stepped back. “I think the kerfuffle is temporary, and you two will find a way to patch things up.”


“Absolutely.” She stepped around him and headed toward the lunch counter. “Not that it’s going to be easy. You both are strong-willed, stubborn, and opinionated. It will take a fair amount of compromise, which won’t be easy for either of you since you each believe you know best.”

Linc accepted a glass of iced tea and was reasonably confident he’d just received a scathing review of his character. “I’m not sure how to feel about that.”

Elaine uncovered a plate filled with red squares and held it out. “Care for a mung bean, matcha brownie?”

Taking the smallest square, he popped it into his mouth. Chewing as quickly as he could, he prayed that the concoction wouldn’t kill him. “Wow. That is like nothing I’ve ever tried before.”

Elaine smiled proudly. “I think these are going to be terrifically popular.”

He drained the glass of sweet tea and wondered if he was the only one who dared to try her concoctions. “Has Lucy said anything that would lead you to believe she’s ready for peace talks to begin?”

“Not particularly.”

Waiting for more, he looked around the store. “Did Horace escape?”

“No, he’s spending the day at the bookstore with his new best friend.”

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