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“So I’ve heard,” I said with a snort. “He has a funny way of showing it.”

“WellI’mglad you’re here,” he said. “If I’d known hurting myself would bring you home, I would have done it years ago.”

I rolled my eyes and took a drink.

“Don’t get any ideas going forward.”

“Come home more often and I won’t have to.”

Shifting forward, I wrapped my hands around my bottle and focused on the label.

“I didn’t mean to stay away so long. Life just got in the way.”

“That may be true, but we both know why you’ve stayed away.” Before I could speak, he continued. “Have you seen her?”

There’s no use pretending I don’t know what and who he’s talking about, so I looked at him and nodded.

“A few times.”


“And what?” Instead of answering, he just stared at me with his brow raised. “What can I say? She’s Summer.”

There’s no need to explain that statement to my brother. Both of us got bit by the love bug early, only he managed to hold onto his girl. I shook that last thought out of my head. Summer and I just got pulled in two different directions.

“So what’s your plan while you’re here?”

“With Summer?”

“Are we talking about someone else?”

“There’s no plan.”

“You’re not thinking about trying to rekindle the old flame?”

I’d love to do just that, but we’d just end up apart again. Her life is here and mine is currently in Dublin, so what’s the use?

“I’d like to clear the air so she doesn’t look like she wants to run in the other direction everytime we see each other.”

“How do you plan on doing that?”

“I’m not sure yet,” I said. “But her dog really seems to like me, so I think I’ll use that to my advantage.”



“Hold on, girl.”

Thea stopped and waited patiently while I slid the backpack off my shoulders and dug inside for my sunglasses. It had been overcast when we first set out, but now the sun is out in full force.

“All right. Go ahead.”

She turned and trotted along the dirt trail, sniffing at every blade of grass, tree, and rock in her path. I smiled at her joy of being here. We’ve been walking along this trail nearly every Sunday for three years and she still explores like it’s all new to her. And despite the fact that Adam and I used to spend countless hours here, it’s still one of my favorite places. Maybe the views aren’t quite as spectacular as those at Ecola State Park, but I don’t have to keep Thea leashed here. Plus I like the solitude. We rarely encounter other people on our little hikes.

I stopped and readjusted the backpack while she sniffed through some high grass off the side of the path. Right now, my bag is full of water and snacks, but once we stop at our favorite break spot, it will be a lot lighter for the walk back.

Thea reappeared in front of me, her tail wagging and a big smile on her face. I squatted down to rub her ears and give her a kiss on the top of the head.
