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“Did you ask him what he was doing there?”

“No.” I shrugged. “I mean, it’s a public place. He’s actually the one who originally showed me the trail, so I guess it’s not so strange that he was there.”

“Is that why you go there all the time?”

I shook my head.

“I go there because it’s usually deserted and I can let Thea off her leash.” Eve raised her brow. “Before I got her, I hadn’t been there in years.”

“So how did Thea hurt herself?”

“I’m not sure exactly. I’d offered to share my sandwich with Adam and we were eating. Thea had finished her snack and started exploring in the grass. She yelped and when I checked on her, I saw half of her nail was missing.”

“What did you guys talk about?”

I chuckled.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you’d make a good lawyer?”

“Just answer the question,” she said in amock-serious tone.

“Nothing really. Just casual conversation,” I said. “He asked if we go there often and how

I’m doing. I asked him about living in Dublin…” I trailed off thinking about what he’d asked just before Thea cried. “Then he asked if I ever think about us.”

“Iknewit! I knew there was something you weren’t telling me.” She finished her wine in

one long gulp then set the glass down with a bang. “What did you say?”

“Nothing. That’s when Thea cried and we went to check on her.”

“He didn’t ask you again?”

“No,” I said. “Well, he didn’t ask methat.”

“What did he ask?”

“He asked me to go for dinner so we can catch up.”

“What did you say?”

“I tried to say no, but I had said that I owe him for carrying Thea to the car. So he kind of

used that as leverage.”

“So when are you going out with him?”

“I told him that I’d be busy this week because Dr. Madden is on vacation and we’d touch

base next week,” I said. “But I’m hoping he forgets about it.”

She’d just taken a drink of water when I added that last sentence and almost spit it out

when she started laughing. It took her a few seconds to collect herself.

“Summer, you’re way too intelligent to believe that’s going to happen.”

“If I avoid him long enough, he’ll go home before I have to take him up on his offer.”
