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“Nice. Where are you going this year?”

“Ireland,” Nancy said. “And Adam is going to be our personal tour guide.”

The wine I’d just sipped almost came back up as my stomach churned. Logically I know Adam will be going back to Dublin at some point, but these ladies going to see him there makes it too real.

“Oh, that sounds nice.” I cleared my throat. “When are you going?”


That’s enough months away that my nerves settled.

The ladies filled me in on what they’d already decided and where they planned to visit. I felt Alice’s eyes on me and schooled my features so she doesn’t know how shaken up I am by this topic. Based on her next words, I guess I wasn’t very successful.

“But nothing is set in stone yet,” she said.

The look she flashed the ladies made them understand why she said that and they nodded in agreement.

“Iceland is another option,” Sharon said. “We can ask Eve and Max how it was when they get home from their honeymoon.”

“That’s a great idea,” Nancy said.

“I watched the Netflix documentary that handsome Zac Effron did about Iceland. It looks amazing,” Diane added.

“Both sound great, and I know that wherever you ladies go, you’ll have a great time. You bring the fun with you.” I finished my wine and set the glass on the table. “I’ll let you get back to your planning. Thank you for the drink.”

“Please stay,” Alice said. “We have plenty of time to plan.”

“Actually, since I’m home before Adam, I’m going to make us a nice dinner.” I stood. “We’ve gone out or ordered in way too much the past couple weeks.”

We said our goodbyes and I called Thea. She got up from her spot next to Sharon and followed me across the yard. I let myself in the front door, tossed my keys on the end table, and flopped onto the couch.

Sensing my upset, Thea hopped up next to me and set her head on my lap. I rubbed her ears as a tear made its way down my cheek. I have an hour before Adam gets home. Hopefully that will be enough time to get my emotions under control.

* * *


Something is off with Summer.She’s saying and doing all the right things, but behind her smile, I can tell something is wrong. The first couple days, I thought maybe she was tired or had a bad day at work. But we’re on day five and I still feel it.

I glanced at the clock. She should be home soon.

She’s picking up dinner and we’re having a movie night. That’s the plan anyway. Hopefully it will change when I ask her what’s wrong.Hopefullyshe’ll actually tell me so we can talk about it.

I heard Thea at the door and walked over to open it. She came running inside and I gave her a quick pat on the head then went to help Summer unload her car.

“How much food did you order?”

She handed me two brown shopping bags then reached into the trunk to grab the one that had slipped to the back.

“Too much,” she said with a chuckle as she straightened and closed the trunk. “I ordered our meals then saw they had some good appetizer specials so I got a sampler.” I followed her into the house and we set the bags on the kitchen table. “And then,” she said with a dramatic flair. “They had double chocolate mousse cake for dessert. How could I pass that up?”

“Obviously you couldn’t,” I said with a chuckle.

We unloaded the bags and surveyed our bounty.

“Worst case scenario is I have leftovers to bring for lunch tomorrow,” she said. “But you can guarantee I’m eating my whole piece of cake tonight.”

We decided to eat out of the containers and she got silverware out of the drawer while I grabbed us each a beer from the refrigerator. I observed her as we ate in silence for a few minutes.
