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A man walked past my seat, followed by two small children, and a woman I’m assuming is his wife. They settled at a table across the room from me as I was still mentally listing perks of my life. As I watched the family interact, something else my father said popped into my head.

So you make the big bucks, but from what I can see, money is all you have.

My stomach tightened at the thought of going back to my empty apartment that’s filled with someone else’s furniture. Still, I have to get back to reality. That last thought popped into my head just as my phone alarm buzzed letting me know it’s time to head to the gate.

I stood and grabbed the handle of my suitcase, giving the happy family one last glance

before I headed out the door.



I woketo a shaking bed and warm breath in my face. Opening my eyes, I saw Thea’s nose mere inches from mine, her mouth open as she panted, which explains why the bed is shaking.

I’m not a morning person, but I am usually out of bed before noon. It’s almost one o’clock now and if Thea hadn’t woken me, I’d still be sleeping. In fact, I’d love nothing more than to roll over and close my eyes, but that wouldn’t be fair to her. She hasn’t been out since last night so I’m sure she has to go.

My whole body ached as I walked downstairs and out to the back porch. Thea ran past me and squatted over the first patch of grass. As soon as she was done, she came back to my side and sat staring at me.

“You can’t possibly know it’s Sunday,” I said.

The last thing I want to do is go on a hike, but she just sat there, waiting.

“Okay, we’ll go. Maybe the fresh air will do me some good.”

We went back inside and she followed me through the house up to my room. Adam was only here a few weeks, but it’s amazing how quickly I got used to his presence. Since he left yesterday morning, the house seems way too quiet.

I brushed my teeth, threw on shorts and a T-shirt, pulled my hair into a messy bun, and called it good. Thea doesn’t care what I look like.

Since I was mourning Adam’s departure yesterday, I didn’t make Thea’s favorite frozen yogurt treats. Instead, I filled a Kong with peanut butter to bring along. My stomach still doesn’t feel too steady, so I threw a couple granola bars in my backpack along with plenty of water. I cried so much the past twenty-four hours, I’m probably dehydrated.

Within a half hour of waking, Thea and I were parked in our usual spot on the side of the road, a few steps from the beginning of our trail. I stepped out of the car and opened her door. She hopped out and sat next to me, waiting until I adjusted the backpack on my shoulders.

“Let’s go.”

Thea trotted in front of me, leading the way. She seems to be full of energy today, which is more than I can say. My body feels like it was hit by a truck. I avoided looking at myself in the mirror this morning as I washed my face. I didn’t want to see how bad I look.

I watched Thea sniff her way along the trail and once again can’t imagine what I’d do without her. After Nanny Jules passed away, anytime I wasn’t working, I spent in bed. Once I got Thea, she gave me a reason to get up and out. She even made me smile with her silly antics. Like now. She picked up a stick and pranced around with it, showing off.

My muscles protested every step, but they gave me something to focus on besides my aching heart. Still, I was happy to see the curve in the road that lets me know our clearing is right around the bend.

Thea wandered off to the side of the trail to sniff the shrubs and before I got ahead of her, I called her name.

“Let’s go. It’s almost snack time.”

She ran over to me and I brushed grass from the top of her head. We took another couple steps and her ears raised just before she took off running.

* * *


I sawThea round the bend and braced myself for her to crash into me. She banged against my legs then tossed herself onto the ground so I could pet her. With the way she was wriggling, I had to get down on my knees so she didn’t knock me down.

“Shhh,” I said as she let out a happy bark. “I’m trying to surprise your mom.”

“Surprise me?”

My head snapped up at the sound of Summer’s breathless voice. I nodded, then stood and gestured toward the picnic I’d set up.
