Page 1 of Forever Wolf

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Something’s buzzing on the table, but I don’t move my eyes away from the sliding raindrops down the diner’s windows. It’s peaceful out here with the low lightning and the gray clouds outside. The polite smiles from the waitresses, nobody knowing your life. It’s easy to forget what happened all those weeks ago. In fact, I told myself I should forget everything for my child’s sake because I know stress isn't good. Yet every now and then, I think of Jace and hear a whisper of his voice in my ear, and my past comes flooding back to me.

“You’re gonna have to answer that sometime, sweetie.”

I swivel around to the lady holding dirty plates in her hands. Her apron is loose in the front and her cheek smudged with a little grease. She nods at my phone and I follow her gaze to it. Jace has been texting me non-stop for the past 48 hours.

I haven't opened our chat yet to see what he has to say, afraid that I’ll either break down or go running back to him. But I know he wouldn’t take me back. Jace is hurt right now. Hurt that I caused him. And once he digests my lies, he won’t want to talk to me again. Why would he, right?

“Do you want me to bring you anything?” the lady asks with a concerned look. “Maybe a fresh plate of eggs? Yours must have gotten cold.”

“I’m alright, thank you.” My upturned lips tremble at the effort, but she returns my smile.

“Talk to him. It’s better when you face it sooner rather than later.”

“How do you know it’s a him?”

“Oh, well maybe it’s a her then,” she laughs. “Either way, I know it’s someone you love. I can tell your heart is broken.”

I look down at my phone as she walks away and decide to talk to Jace. The woman’s right, it’s better to face the music sooner rather than later and give him the clarity he needs. After all, Jace deserves the truth now. Even though he won’t accept it, or won’t like it, it’sourtruth that we created and I lied about. What’s growing inside of me is part of him, that’s something I can never change or run away from. I place a hand on my belly and squeeze my eyes shut. How did I get myself here?

Scrolling down, I open the messages under Jace’s name. My hands shake and my eyes fill up with tears, but I keep going. I’d do a lot for him to forgive me. I remember the look he gave me right before I drove off. I remember the tear that slipped out from his eye and the disbelief that showed in his clenched fists. He looked as if he didn't know me. And what are the chances he’d forgive a stranger?

Stop it, Carli.I take a breath.Stop dwelling on this and move on.

The first text Jace sent was around the time I left. And the last this morning. He hasn’t given up contacting me. Does that mean something?

Carli, come back.

We need to talk.

Is Devon saying the truth?

Carli please….

I need to hear it from you.

I can’t believe you would do something like this and if Devon is lying we can figure it out together.

Don’t run away from me, Carli

Answer your phone, dammit.

When did this happen?


Did I hurt you? Is that it? Why did you do this?

Were we a lie Carli?

Why couldn’t you tell me the truth earlier?

Can we please talk?

I’m losing patience and I don’t know what to do here. I can’t think of anything other than you.
