Page 43 of Forever Wolf

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Jace catches my gaze, and everything changes. In the last second of Devon’s sharp claws cutting through him, he moves away from the tree and rolls to the other side with astonishing speed. We all gasp. Jace moves faster and I have a hard time keeping up.

In a blur, Devon’s pinned to the ground, and Jace looks so much bigger compared to how he was. I don’t know what happened in that second before, but Jace is only growing stronger. I can almost hear the adrenaline running through his wolf.

“Holy fuck,” Danika whispers. “He’s got it.”

Jace has. He uses his body to keep Devon on the ground beneath him. I lean forward, waiting until he finishes him off once and for all. Collectively the crowd grows silent, waiting for Jace to make his final move and win. It definitely took a turn, from the way Jace is more bruised and beaten up than Devon, we all thought Jace would have been the one losing his life. A flicker of hope lights up in my chest.

“Come on, Jace,” I urge.

He stays still for a couple of seconds, deep in thought. Then I watch his muzzle move as he speaks to Devon. His voice echoes through every mind, wolf or human.

“Let’s end this, Devon.I have the choice of killing you right this second or not. We both know you’re about to lose. So let’s call it a truce. You vow to leave Silver Moon and Black Valley. I let you live.”

Growling, I wish I could kill Devon right now. I know Jace is right, and he’s a way better Alpha than anyone could predict. He’s selfless, protective of his pack and inspiring. Even after all that shit Devon put Jace through, he’s giving him another chance to make things right. Another chance at life. I start to grin, pride swelling in my chest for mate.

“Think about it.” I exert a little more pressure, my claws pressing into his skin so he understands how close death is. “What do you want to do? After all the years of being my Beta, do you really want to kill me for my pack? For more than what you already have? One day, you’ll become the Alpha of Black Valley and we can rule our respective packs in peace, Devon. This doesn't have to be the way…”

Devon mumbles something in reply but I don’t hear it. Black Valley starts to boo and curse at Devon. Silver Moon shout reassurance, agreeing with what Jace says.

My gaze narrows on Devon though. His eyes close and open sluggishly as if he’s almost passed out. But…it seems like an act. Because his paws rise from the side Jace can’t see.

Devon is pretending to lose consciousness so Jace won’t see it when he slashes at his carotid.

“Jace!” I scream, interrupting whatever he was saying. “Watch out!”

Jace turns to me just as Devon attacks. Jace registers the movement, quickly leaping out of the way. But not fast enough. Devon’s claws make contact. Blood spurts over Jace’s fur, splashing over the ground. He stumbles, struggling to gain his balance. Devon’s also a little shaky on his legs, but still manages to land another strike to Jace’s gut.

Another figure joins them. Smaller, whiter, more ferocious. I recognize Beth siding with Devon, appearing out of nowhere and aiming to help Devon kill Jace. Danika and I swear under our breaths. Fury makes us shake. I can’t just stand here and watch that bitch help Devon. That’s against the rules of the battle, and if she can fucking break them, then so can I.

I don’t wait to talk myself out of it, I run through the crowd, shifting as I do and ignoring Danika calling out my name. Jace needs me, so I’m going to be there for him. With my gaze targeted on Beth, I use all the energy I can muster and power towards her, realizing she doesn't know I’m coming in from behind.

With a staggering amount of force and intensity, I crash into her. She yelps as my momentum shoves Beth her from my lover. Her flailing body flies through the air, landing a few feet away. She tumbles, yelping again. The sound is cut short when her head hits a rock with an audible crack.

Breathing hard, I wait for Beth to get up.

But she doesn't. Her limp body doesn't flinch.

When I get closer, I register the blood pooling around her head, the crimson puddle quickly growing. She’s dead. I just killed Beth. I blink, shifting to a human quickly, then fall to my knees. The sudden loss of energy makes me go dizzy for a second. My palms are flat on the muddy ground as I pull in as much air as I can into my lungs… I guess being pregnant and having a surge of power isn't all that good.

Relief and sorrow war within me, but I have to admit relief wins. Beth threatened my baby. She would never have stopped, far too ravenous for revenge.

But she’s still now.

My child is safe.

A roar sounds behind me, and I watch the next pivotal moments unfold. I’m not sure if it’s me or if it’s the same for everyone. Jace seems to be fighting slow. The whole scene of him and Devon tangling limbs, teeth, claws and rattling bones are drawn out, sluggish but deadly. It’s like watching a movie, with an ending I’m dying to know creeping in at snail's pace. I wait, and pray that Jace will be able to stop Devon in time.

Devon lashes at Jace. Jace snaps at Devon. They circle, snarling at each other. They’re both looking for an opening. Both conscience the next strike will be the final one. Devon roars as he launches at Jace, pinning him to a tree, his teeth digging into Jace’s neck, pale light illuminating the scene. It’s almost dawn! If the sun rises…it’s too late. Everyone seems to realize that, their chants and cheers grow louder and more urgent. Jace breathes hard, his chest rising and falling.

“Come on, Jace,” I whisper.

As if he heard me, Jace’s head snaps in my direction, registering me on the ground with Beth’s dead body next to my own. Time snaps back into place, my gaze widens. Jace pushes Devon off him and with one hard and fast slash, his nails dig into Devon’s eyes, slashing them deeply. Devon falls backwards, his paws covering where his eyes were as he yelps and screams.

With one sure movement, Jace closes his jaw on Devon’s neck and tears it.

The silence falls instantly as Devon’s body hits the ground with a loud thump. The copper smell of blood fills the air. There are sharp inhales, and people whispering. We all know what this means.

The war is over.
