Page 35 of Fallen God

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“Where is she, Erik?” I called out over my shoulder. I didn't care who heard or saw my panic. If Lola was hurt because of my stupid stunt, I would never forgive myself.

“Ladies.” He didn't make a move to stop me. He knew better than to get in my way when my mind was made up. And it was well and truly made up about Lola.

Pushing my way into the toilets, I paused taking in the scene unfolding in front of me. Elodie had her back to the door, shielding my view of Lola but I could see her ankle and foot clearly because it was being held in Chance's lap. His fingers were probing over her skin.

Elodie turned. “Dion?”

“Erik told me Lola got hurt?”

Stepping away, Elodie finally let me see Lola for the first time. She was leaning heavily on the sink. Her hair had been flattened by her hat which was clutched in her hand. Her smile was dazzling when she saw me. There wasn't an ounce of pain on her face.

“Hey you.”

“Hey.” Eyeing her from the top of her head to the bare foot still pressed into Chance's lap, I took stock of her. She looked fine. “You ok?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. Everyone is making a fuss for no reason. I slipped, that's all.”

“Where was your security?” Anger made my voice lower.

Lola's eyes widened. “He was right with us. It wasn't his fault.”

“Maybe not.” I let my eyes settle on Chance. The big man looked indifferent, but nodded his head.

“I'll find someone else for her,” he said.

“So, what's the damage?” I asked, changing the subject before things got awkward.

“Just a twisted ankle. Some ice and rest for a little while and she will be fine.” Tapping Lola's knees, he heaved himself to his feet. “No more ice skating tricks for the press, you hear me, Lola?”

She smiled at him in her soft Lola way. “Yes, boss. And tell Rake thanks for the pick up.”

“Rake?” Chance and I parroted together. I threw him a look, and he shrugged.

“Her security,” Elodie chimed in. “We didn't catch his name, so we gave him one.”

Chance boomed out a laugh. “I'll tell the others. It will probably stick. It suits him.”

“He picked you up?”

Lola's smile slipped a little. “Yeah, he was really good.”

“He shouldn't have let you fall in the first place, Lola. His job is to protect you.”

“From ice?” One blonde eyebrow disappeared into her hairline. “It's not his fault I'm clumsy.”

I stared at her in silence. She looked pissed. Angry at me. And I wasn't sure why.

“Could you guys excuse us?” Lola said sweetly, but I wasn't fooled. The look on her face differed so much from her tone that I knew I was going to get an ear bashing the second the door was shut.

“Yeah, of course. There's ice right there.” Elodie pointed to the sink next to the one that Lola was leaning on. “But she probably should head home or something and keep it raised for a while.”

“I'll take her home myself,” I said, and Lola scowled at me.

“I don't want Rake fired because I fell over,” she said the moment the door banged closed.

“He's not being fired, Lola, he's being moved. I want someone more experienced shadowing you.” Moving towards her, I waited for the smiles she always threw my way when I walked towards her. They didn't come.

“Maybe I don't want anyone shadowing me, Dion.”
