Page 53 of Gift Horse

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He cups my breast, teasing at the nipple with pinches just the other side of light, and the zing travels from my puckering flesh down through my core, bursting around my Little Brain, Big Brain, Beloved Puss, and back to my breast. If I’m not careful, I’m going to crest before he does, and he’s freaking harder than hard and ready to blow.

Damn, I have no idea how he wants me to talk, to touch, to taste, but I can’t hold off. I need him. Now. My hands are in his boxers, easing around the weight of his gorgeous dick. Then his jeans are around his thighs and his hand is in his pocket, unwrapping a condom and rolling it on with one hand while the other barely leaves my skin.

My pants are off, then my shirt, and as he eases me away from the rough bark of the tree, I grip the hem of his shirt, letting my fingernails scrape up his sides until I pull it over his head. I fling it aside and press my hands onto his broad, firm shoulders, lifting myself up and wrapping my legs around him. The heat and soft, smooth slide of skin is almost too delicious as I lower myself as slowly as I dare toward the moment I want emblazoned in my brain forever.

“Slow?” he whispers against my cheek.

“No.” The breath is coming out of me in jagged bursts. I cannot wait. Not one more second. “Now.”

He enters me in a single thrust and I explode around him, ripple after ripple coursing up me and spreading down my arms. My hands are in his hair, pulling his face into me and tasting him and me and me and him and riding faster and faster and faster because I cannot stop.

Once again, his teeth find the perfect spot the other side of my neck, and as he bites down, the first orgasm sparks into a firework of sensation that gives way to a second, then a third spasming through me as if the world is coming to a quivering end.

I stay, draped over him, while the quake subsides into ripples.

I don’t know how or when he lowers me to the ground, but we’re facing each other, naked in the grass, his smile as wide as mine and his eyes focused on me.

“I did not think you could be more beautiful, Lolly of the Laughter, but you are always going to prove me wrong.”

Always.He says it, but I’m thinking it. This is analwaysfeeling. The sex was phenomenal, but the feeling in its wake is like caramel on chocolate, overflowing from a dripping fountain.

“You’re perfection.”

“You’re not too bad yourself, hot stuff.” I shouldn’t make light of this moment. He’s perfection and I should tell him that. I just don’t want to jinx it, being in the ultimate spot for this most intimate of moments. It’s no coincidence that I brought him here, though it wasn’t a conscious decision. If I were to have a Holy of Holies, this would be it—the wishing well where I ran every time I needed a place to hide and hope. But I can’t tell him that. It would be too heavy. And too soon. He might be sayingalways, but we’re wrapped in the glow of thunderous orgasms and people say all kinds of things when the chemistry’s high.

His hands run up and down me, slowly, flicking and teasing, fluttering and circling. “Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por como soy yo cuando estoy contigo.You understand this?”

I don’t. I shake my head and he blinks, his eyes leaving mine for the instant it takes before he speaks again, this time in English. “I love not only the way you are, but the way I am when I’m with you.”

Tell him, Lolly. Tell him how you feel. Tell him what it means to be seen in this way. Tell him that this is everything.But before I can screw my courage to the sticking point, he drops a kiss on my shoulder and goes on.

“I want to look at you forever.” He traces a finger from his kiss along the sweep of my collarbone, between my breasts, and then lower, his gaze taking me—all of me—in.

He keeps sayingalwaysandforeverand my cup runneth over. No, really, the past is banished in a flash, and I’m hot for him all over again. “You can look, but only if you keep touching me like this.” I can’t help the giggles. Since when does Lolly Benoit know how to ask for what she wants? I like this version of myself, too. The one I am with him. “Here.” I slide his hand over my clit, which is almost too tender to touch.Almostbeing the operative word. “Oh, fuck.” I turn my head into the grass. “Round.” His fingers know me. Already. How’s that possible? We’ve just met, Mariano’s fingers and I. Mariano’s dick and I. Mariano’severythingand I. I want him inside me again, but it’s too soon. He’s fit and young and he wants me, but no one recovers that fast.

“Open your eyes, Lolly.Mira.Look!” He’s on his elbows, hovering over me. “I want to see you, hear you, know you. Tell me when…”

Oh, holy fuck, he’s hard again.


I know I can’t ask him to enter me unsheathed, even though I haven’t had sex for as long as I can remember, but fuck if I don’t want that. He finds a second condom and enters me slowly. I keep my eyes open, just as he asked. His hands are over mine, pinning me to the ground, and I arch into him as he slides into me, and we love as we fuck as we laugh and we fuck and the rhythm has a life all its own as his hand rides down over my ass and lifts me up and tilts me so that he’s grinding as he’s thrusting andfireworksdoesn’t come close to describing the explosion that takes me out of myself and leaves me panting in a puddle of wonder, his eyes still fixed on me.

“Forever, Lolly of the Laughter. We shall do this forever.”


Lolly Benoit. Greenshoot Polo Ranch. Gloucestershire, England.

Ican smell Mariano from the other side of the barn and it’s all I can do not to run to him. I think my sense receptors have been hijacked and dialed up to eleven.

It’s not cologne or soap or shampoo. It’shim.Low, subtle notes that I don’t know how to name. Like, “sweat” sounds kind of gross, and “musk” is totally not what it is, but I’m hot and bothered and happy and jumpy and need to concentrate on grooming and tacking up the horses for the day.

Whiskey is pawing in the cross ties, raring to go, while I get Sapphire ready. I’m not sure who I’m going to ride—that’s up to my new, deluxe, can’t-be-beat polo teacher.Meltiness all over my insides. Gawd, he can teach me a thing or two.On any normal day, I’d be beyond thrilled to be headed to the pitch with Mariano Arias for a demo match, but I’m wishing us far, far away. In bed. Or in a field. Or against a tree. Or by the wishing well… Naked and hungry and not able to get enough of each other, no matter how hard we try. I will never have enough of him. Ever.

Pippa strides into the barn, her new royal bestie right behind her. “Mariano is the real deal. It’s not often one gets to learn from a true pro. Do whatever he says, no questions asked. Riding polo ponies isn’t what you’re used to, I know, but it’s going to be a blast. I can’t wait!” Pippa’s enthusiastic about every last thing, which is nice, but if she’s never ridden before, how can she know she’s going to like it? She reaches for Sapphire and tucks one of the loose straps on her bridle into its keeper. “Who’s a good girl, eh?”

She and Henrietta are decked out in smart riding jackets and well-fitting pants. The two of them fuss and muss outside the stalls and I leave them to the stable hand, who’s nowhere near as fast or efficient as Gustavo. But I don’t care that the stable boy is slow and stodgy; pitching in to ready the horses for the day is my favorite way to bond with my mounts.
