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“You’d have to ask him that, star shine.”

“Worry not,” Adam interrupted. “Demons always spout nonsense. Like that pet of yours.”

“Not a pet,” Gaksi said.

“He’s family,” I told them, “although he is really annoying.”

“Take Lukas to the infirmary,” Adam commanded. At Hunter’s stutter, he said, “You have no power yet, fish. I’m in charge of this situation. You want to act like an Alpha, become one.” He shoved Hunter away from me and moved under Lukas’ other shoulder, who redistributed his weight to the Alpha. I tried not to look at the sweaty, naked body across from me.

A force yanked me by my backpack before I could take a step.

“Just remember, girl,” Hunter growled, “the punishment for aiding an unallied demon is death.”



What’s a school for fighting demons without an attack on day one? Aether never fails to disappoint! Worry not, incoming freshman: the in-school training will be just as difficult as what you face outside the classroom. University will be the first time many of you have been challenged. Weed-out classes, toxic frenemies, and internalized self-doubt cause many potential legends to falter.

By the time all is said and done, this year’s class of 1000 hand-selected first years will dwindle to an even 600, the most brutal culling in over one hundred years of Aether.

Where others might despair, the strongest among us find resolve.

Imposter syndrome, who?

After being interrogatedby university police all night, I was relieved to have a quiet morning routine. Or so I thought.

“Look outside, Luna!” Gaksi said.

Lukas flashed a pretty grin, waving at me from beneath my window.

“I came to walk you to class today!” he called.

“You’ll be beating off the men at this school with sticks,”Gaksi said affectionately from my doll collection.“What did I tell you?”

He opened the window with his fat little doll hands and waved at Lukas, who recoiled like he’d been slapped. “She’s coming!”

I threw on another coat of foundation, attacked my face with setting spray, and ran down the stairs at breakneck speed.

“Stay out of my way,” I warned Gaksi. “You too,” I repeated to the swirling shadows on my palms. They dissipated.

I was relieved none of the boys mentioned the shadows I drew yesterday in the woods again. Reaper must have blocked their view of me, save a faint lavender haze. It was for the best. One of my secrets was already out. The last thing I needed was a second.

This would be a good second day. I was giddy with excitement.

In the past, boys I tried to flirt with thought my skin was “contagious,” so they avoided me. This was the first attention I’d gotten since, well… ever.

In the sun, Lukas’ skin gleamed. He had a chiseled jaw like a superhero and was muscular like one too. Exactly the kind of man you would find in a magazine. Or a fantasy.

And I was walking to class with him!

“I figured I’d walk with you, in case you were scared of any other demon encounters along the way,” he said. We began a pleasant stroll. “What’s a girl like you doing at Aether, anyway?”

“What do you mean?” My heart dropped. Was it because of Gaksi? Was it because of my shadows?

I raised my palms without thinking to look at them. Nothing there.

“I mean,” his eyes roved over my arms, where I didn’t bother to conceal my itchy patches, “you’re cute, but you also look a little… sickly. Are you sure you’re up to be here? Students sabotage each other all the time. If you’ve got an obvious weakness, someone—demon or human—is going to try to exploit it.”
