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The class fell silent. Even the boy in the air stopped talking. But by the frantic rise and fall of his chest, I knew he still breathed, even as the temperature of the room heated.

“This is Aether University. This is not a joke.” Dr. Ansi said. “The worst thing to ever befall humanity—magic—is all concentrated here. If you don’t take studying seriously, a demon—or an immortal, or even a classmate—will use their power to take you out.” She waved her hand, shaking the student in midair.

He clutched his arms, drawing inward to himself, terror clear in his eyes.

“As a freshman, you are the weakest of the weak. The lowest of the low. You, of all people, should know that, Zain, as this is your second time taking this class.” She flicked her hand down, slamming the boy back into his chair.

A repeat! He must be one of the many students that failed last year, coerced to try again with a new cohort.

“Ughhh,” the boy—Zain—groaned.

“What was that?” In a flash, Dr. Ansi appeared in front of the student, ten rows back from her podium.

“I’m sorry, professor,” he apologized.

“That’s better,” the professor said, taking a step forward and finishing the step back at the podium. She straightened her necklace.

“Usually, the brats come out in week two, but it seems like recent events have made you lot even more immature than normal.” She brushed invisible dust off her shoulder and turned to write on the board. The chalk screeched, making students flinch.


“I haven’t forgotten how many of you ran when the last hydra alert went out.” Disappointment and distaste laced her tone.

“Nobody is born with the rights to a house, or a magic system, or even access to the knowledge that this place exists,” she said coldly, turning back to face the class.

“And if you fail out of this school, your memories will be erased, and you will return to being the most ordinary, mediocre person you always were before.”

Several of the students gulped. For most of them, their parents told them to apply to Aether University with something generic: “It’s where we went! It’s an elite school! They have spectacular scholarships and athletics!” It was only when they got admitted that they saw magic was real and they could get a taste of it. The first post-admission campus tour was why Aether had a 100% matriculation rate.

I was a little different, though. I always knew Gaksi was real, so I assumed there had to be some good magic to balance out the little devil that he was.

“What is the first rule of surviving an encounter with a demon?” Dr. Ansi asked.

I raised my hand. “Never show weakness!”

“Correct!” She assessed me with a nod. “Any potential weakness can be exploited.”

“Look to your left!” Dr. Ansi commanded. I turned my head obediently to the left, getting to look at Cordelia’s side profile as she rotated her head as well.

“Look to your right!” I swiveled right, getting a good view of an empty window.

“1 out of 3 of you fools won’t make it. From now on, assume that whoever you just saw on the left is a goner—or worse, your competition.”

Yikes, I thought. I liked Cordelia. She also seemed bewildered, glancing back at the sweet-faced girl sitting next to her. Hyacinth, I think she said her name was.

“While you’re carving out the competition, remember that 90% of magic—blessed individuals will marry someone associated with Aether University. Some of you will marry the person you just saw on your right!”

Figures, I thought. I got a good long look at nothing through the window. Cordelia tapped my hand. Her text showed up on my watch.

Cordelia:Besties for life?


The professor’s booming conclusion jumbled my thoughts.

“For your homework, memorize the history of the Houses: Wolf, Siren, Fae, Vamp, Angel, and Rose. You’ll need it when recruitment season begins in one week.”

One week? I hastily checked my calendar app. It usually began at the end of the semester, and we only just started.
