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Using my uninjured finger, I cautiously turned the page.


Took a breath.

Calmed my racing heart.

It was him.

Jeosung Saja. He had the same long black hair, clothing, and hollowed eyes.

The Jeosung Saga is a fearsome creature. He often appears in dreams of the accursed before their death. His pursuit of the dying is relentless and unforgiving, and he is not often perceived by the living. It is thought that he leads the dead to their final resting place. But is that heaven or hell?

I glanced down at a buzz from my phone.

Cordelia:Luna, I saw a photo of you and that demon guy at the Halloween party. He’s hot!!

Luna:From where?

Cordelia:The Oracle Musings! You know she knows everything about everyone!

That checked out. My mother readThe Oracle Musingsreligiously, so she must have found out about the bargain through that.

Luna:He could be a murderer!

Cordelia:Hasn’t murdered you yet, though, has he?


Cordelia:How old do you think he is? 100? 200? 2000? I bet he’s ancient. And he’s been wandering all alone this whole time, desperately waiting for some companionship…

Luna:He is off limits.

I wished we were in person, so I could be firm with this conversation.

Cordelia:Is he as good-looking in real life as he is online?

My fingers hovered over the screen. It felt foolish to describe him. I’d only conversed with him twice, and both times were under duress.

A strange ache felt its way into my chest. What would it be like to talk to him outside of a murder scene? Would his eyes flash as dark? Would his mane of hair flow behind him when he moved?

Snap out of it, Luna.

Luna:He’s Other. He’s demonic.

And just as beautiful as you would expect any demon to be.

Luna:He’s dangerous. Strong enough to freeze three men solid.

Cordelia:You’re swooning! Everyone loves a strong and mighty man!

Luna:Go to bed, Cordelia.

Cordelia:We’ll revisit this convo tomorrow.

I smiled inwardly and put the phone away. Filtering through the stacks, I searched for “gumiho” next. I had absolutely nothing to go off of. I could start with the Gs, but I didn't think that word came from English. The last book I read didn’t give country identification per demon, either.

Stars! This was horrible. I dumped my pile of books on the shelf.
