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He paused, back turned. Took a deep inhale. “This was not part of the bargain.”

“No, this was just the right thing to do! I couldn’t just leave whatever baby spirit this is alone!”

His face softened. “What do you want in exchange?”

“A favor,” I said.

Please say yes. This could work out perfectly. If I could piece out information from him as my favor each time I caught one of these little ghosts, then I could have a continuous stream of information for Flora.

“A favor,” he repeated, rolling around the last word like it was a foreign concept.

“I have been thinking,” I continued, eager to jump in and ease his hesitation. “For the first favor, you could give me a piece of truth.”

His eyes narrowed. “Truth.” He strode toward me, ghost forgotten. “Do you think me a liar?”

“No, but you barely say anything!” My words tumbled out. “And I’ve only been chasing down this thing for an hour, and I’m tired, and I would like to know more about the demon who forced me into a bargain. Is that so bad?”

He towered before me. He glowered, like a dark and vengeful prince, deciding what he wanted from his subject. I refused to be intimidated.

“I would like to expand on our deal,” I forced out. “For each demon I catch for you, you owe me a favor. Anything I ask.”

“That is a horrible deal,” he stated, shaking his head.

“Consider it a favor from me too. I do your job for you.”

“Why would I offer my enemy my good graces?” His face contorted. Black clouds swarmed around him, shadows crowding out the white lights of the room.

His lips were so close from this angle. I wondered what it would be like to press into them.

“What if I offered you the choice?” I suggested.

“Of what, little seraphim?”Seraphim.That word made my stomach flip and my toes curl. For someone who was convinced I was his nemesis, he sure loved to compare me to an angel.

The air shimmered. Behind him, the ghost shimmered as well. He was about to disappear again and take my catch with him.

“For this favor: Truth or dare,” I said, resolving my nerves. “For the truth: Why do you call me seraphim? And don’t tell me it’s because I wore an angel costume. Because that’s way too basic, and I know you put more thought into it than that.”

He winked. Winked! I didn’t even have time to reveal my dare before he answered.

“Because you’re beautiful enough to pass as an angel, but wicked enough to fall into the arms of a devil.”

* * *

I caughtanother gwisin the next day. The appearance was the same. Long dark hair and a pale flowing dress. This one was in a coffee shop, knocking over bags of beans.

I brewed some before I called Reaper. “Do you want some?” I offered. She peeked at me, and my soul soared with hope, but then she went back to knocking stuff over.

“Gaksi, can she hear me?”

“Yes, but she’s not from this era, so she’s confused. She doesn’t speak your language.”


I took a sip of the coffee mournfully. I wondered if she missed coffee so much she spawned here out of nostalgia. Did she meet friends in a coffee shop? Work in one? Go on dates and feel excited for her future in one?

I pulled my lace choker, and Reaper stepped in through the nearest wall.

“Favor,” I demanded.
