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My bargain tingled, agitated. I ignored it.

Blasting music boomed ahead. The sun was setting, and the ocean sparkled with neon colors. Sirens danced with colorful beads and bracelets, illuminating the dark beach.

Excitement spurred within me. After the monotony of the past few weeks, it would be nice to actually have fun.

I put on my most doll-like, innocent smile. One I had never used on a man, ever.

The tingling ceased. As it should.

Lukas looped his arm all the way through mine. “Shots?”


The flavor was sour and sinful, and I downed three at Lukas’ encouragement. I deserved a break.

“Does pirate treasure ever wash up on this beach?” I asked.

He considered for a moment. “Only treasure I’ve ever seen on this beach is you.” He smiled proudly at that.

He was kind of dumb cute, but cute all the same.

An embarrassing blush and three more shots later, I was gone. Bodies distorted along the beach, thumping up and down with the bass. The pounding music, the exuberant dancing, and the alcohol erased any kind of thought from my head. I was blissfully gone, twirling like this was my last night on earth.

Sirens pushed and shoved. I gagged when one of them spilled their drink on me. It smelled horrible, like anchovies and dead fish. Wait, was that a drink or vomit?

I stilled, sweaty and flushing. The bodies kept spinning, spinning, spinning around me, like I was the center of a haunted merry-go-round.

“Lukas?” I asked.

No response. Blurry figures swam around me. Where did he go? I caught a flash of golden yellow hair diving into the waves. Did he leave me to go swimming?

I sluggishly moved through the throng to the beach. What was happening? My head felt weighed down by lead. My steps were sticky and gross. Dizzy stars danced in my vision.

“Hey, fish,” an older girl grabbed my arm. “Are you alright?”

“Fine,” I sputtered out. I pushed past her, and thankfully, she left me alone.

At some point, I attempted to make my way back to my dorm. End this whole adventure. My stomach hurt. But the sea culled me back every time, the crowd dragging me back to the ocean. The chaotic haze enticed me to the ever-retreating shore.

Storm clouds rolled above. Thunder rumbled louder than the music.

When I thought I would surely collapse, strong arms jolted me to a stop.

“Woah, what happened to you?” Lukas shouted.

“Don’t yell,” I whispered. He had neon face paint on, and the glow hurt my eyes.

I moved to pull away, but he held me tighter. Waves lapped at my waist. Waves?

Something cold and slimy slid around my leg, and I realized it was Lukas’ mermaid tail.

“Ew,” I muttered.

I’d walked straight into the ocean. There were other sirens around us, and I could understand their leering even in my inebriated state. My face heated.

“You’re drunk.” Lukas snaked his tail back beneath him. I wondered where his pants went. His shirt had disappeared somewhere, so I got the full view of his hairy blonde chest. It was disgusting.

“Put some clothes on, siren,” I said. My eyes closed. I paused. What was I doing here again?
