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Jessica rolled her eyes. “We literally spent the better 14 hours on a plane stuck together with nothing better to do. You could have told me then, not a day after, I find myself being watched by two of your men.”

“I didn’t think of it while we were on the plane. It only occurred to me this morning, and I didn’t get the chance to talk to you before I left. I know I should have talked to you first, but, you see, I didn’t have a choice. You need bodyguards if you are to have protection, you know.” He looked a little apologetic and came closer to her, reaching out his hand to her. She looked at him and felt her annoyance dissolve. She gave him her hand and said, “Well, those bodyguards did come to use very quickly.”

Now, Matt was the one looking troubled. “What do you mean?”

Jessica bit her lip. She knew telling Matt about the incident just a few minutes ago would make him very angry, but this wasn’t something she could keep from him, “When I came to the building, Spencer caught my arm. He was mad at me for marrying you, then spoke some shit about you, and I was equally mad at him. We got into a heated argument, and he was, well, he looked like he was going to do something violent. That’s when Nash and George stepped in and handled him. I don’t know what he might have done had he not been interrupted.”

“WHAT? Spencer is here? Did he hurt you?!” Matt was suddenly furious. Jessica held his hand tighter.

“Hey, I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me. As I said, the bodyguards got to him before he could do anything. Thank you for thinking of assigning them to me. I know I am annoyed that you didn’t tell me first, but I’m also very grateful that you did ‘cause I really do need them.” She left out the part where Spencer gripped her so tight that it hurt her arm. That would only make Matt even more furious, and she didn’t want him to beat up Spencer.

Seeing Matt’s rage, she had no doubt he would do something to hurt Spencer back. Matt seemed to be very concerned about her well-being, and that was something that gave Jessica a large amount of pleasure. She didn’t know why and when she started to feel this way, but she loved that Matt cared for her safety.

“I can’t just let this go. He will take this as an encouragement to get closer to you again, and God forbid, if he hurts you in any way, I will make him regret the day he was born. I must retaliate for what he tried to do to you today.” Matt’s eyes were burning with unleashed rage, and Jessica got a glimpse of the man that Spencer had warned her about, but she didn’t exactly find that a negative trait in Matt. In fact, it only made her feel a sense of satisfaction that her safety affected Matt this way.

“Hey, look at me,” she said and touched his cheek. At her touch, some of the anger faded from Matt’s gaze as he looked into her eyes. He held the hand that she placed over his cheek and inhaled. That seemed to calm him a little.

Jessica continued, “I am perfectly fine. I knew something like this would happen whenever or if Spencer showed up. I just wasn’t expecting him to show up so early after our wedding and this close to your turf. Showing up at your office? That was stupidity on his part, but now we know he’s out there, and we have the precautions to prevent his plans,” she urged her reassurance into him.

Matt didn’t reply to her. He was silent and indicated that whatever Jessica might say to confirm that she was fine, Matt would still have a plan to get back at Spencer. She just wished it wasn’t something that harmed him in any way. Revenge was a two-way sword, and she didn’t want anything more to do with Spencer if she could help it. She hoped Matt understood that too.

“Come, where’s my orange juice?” she said, putting on a cheerful smile on her face, trying to change the topic.

Matt called the secretary for some light snacks for them and went to his desk. Jessica explored the office showcase in the meantime.

Everything will be alright. We are together. We are safe.

Jessica only prayed that was true.


After making a quick call to his secretary and instructing her to send in some orange juice and light snacks, Matt showed Jessica around his office. Jessica was surprised to know that Matt had taken an active part in its decoration, a fact that Matt talked about quite fondly, and she was pleasantly touched to see how much thought Matt had put into it. Every little trinket and every frame displayed on those walls meant something to him, and that made her heart swell in a way she had never felt before.

“We have other offices in different places where the casinos and hotels are, of course, but this one is special to me,” he said, his eyes going over the books on the shelf. Jessica was standing beside him, both facing the wall.

“Because it’s close to home?” she asked, looking at him. Matt kept staring at the wall.

“Because it’s close to home,” he repeated. His eyes were distant, as if he were going over all the reasons why the office here was special, and Jessica couldn’t help but look away from him. In all the time she had known him, the more she was getting to know Matt, and she was realizing that underneath that bad-boy demeanor, he was actually a sweetheart. He let on a rough and tough image that he showed to the whole world, but the people closest to him saw what lay underneath, and she was slowly uncovering one thing at a time. What surprised her most was that it wasn’t the major things about Matt that slowly opened up her heart to him, like the fact that he was a billionaire or the fact that he seemed to own such a huge enterprise of hotels and casinos making him one of the most powerful men she had ever known. No, it was the little things about him that made her fond of him more and more every day. Things like how he was so thoughtful of the people he cared about, how he spoke of his childhood with such a peaceful look in his eyes, and how he put a little bit of personal touch in the things that meant something to him. Even though Matt was still a mystery to her, she was beginning to love unraveling him little by little, and the fact that he was mysterious made her kind of excited. She was always looking forward to knowing something more about him, getting to see one more side of him that she never would have imagined him to possess. She was loving this journey of exploring him, all of him.

There was a knock at the door, and a staff member brought in a food tray. There was the orange juice she ordered, along with some bite-sized sausage rolls. Jessica was delighted to see the food because she loved sausage rolls. They bantered some and ate and drank. When they finished, Matt suggested they should head home since he was done with work for the day and had the rest of the day free to show her around the estate. Jessica agreed because it was already feeling like she had a long day and was glad to be able to go home and relax.

Reaching the mansion, they were greeted by Reynolds.

“Where’s everybody?” Matt asked, looking around.

“The lady of the house has gone out with her friend who came over just an hour ago, and Miss Annabeth, I believe, has gone back to her residence. She said her kids missed her and that she missed them and her husband,” answered Reynolds. Jessica felt a warm fondness for her sister-in-law. Annabeth was so energetic, cheerful, and fun that one would not make the assumption about her that she was a happy mother of three children. Her husband was a big-time lawyer who lived about half an hour from Matt’s parents’ house. Jessica loved kids, and she was good with them. He and Annabeth had made plans to let her meet Annabeth’s kids when they got the chance. Jessica was glad Annabeth had gone home because she had done so much for Jessica and Matt. Planning the wedding in such a rush, staying present when Matt brought Jessica home for the first time, taking her shopping, and all that. It was a wonder how Annabeth could do all this while having three children.

Reynolds’s voice cut through her thoughts, “Would the young master and his wife like some refreshments?”

“No, thanks, Reynolds. We just had some snacks back at the office but do offer them to the chauffeur, though. He has been on duty since the morning. That would be all,” said Matt. With that, he led Jessica back into his bedroom and was about to leave for the other room he was staying in while she was here until Jessica called him.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“To my room, of course,” he said.

“But this is your room.”

“Well, yes, but now I’m doing fine in the other room while I offer my old one to you.”
