Page 188 of Love You Wild

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“Today,” he whispers.

“Today what?”

“Today,” he repeats, his pale green eyes searching mine, waiting for me to understand the meaning of that one simple word, to fall apart right here in the hall.

“No.” I shake my head furiously. “No. He said a week. On Friday, he said a week.” My voice gets higher, louder with every word, and I see Avery’s head lift from his spot in the room, his eyes meeting mine through the door. “Casey, it’s only day four! No! He still has…he still has…”

I collapse in my brother’s arms, both of us shaking, soaking each other’s shirts.

“He’s supposed to have more time,” I cry.

“I know,” Casey murmurs, because what more is there to say?

I drag myself through the door twenty minutes later, when I’m finally able to compose myself well enough to go inside and spend my dad’s last day with him, with our family.

Dad’s skin is paper thin and ashy. Deep purple bruises dot the delicate skin under his tired blue eyes, and when they meet mine, his gaze tells me he heard me out there, that he knows I know. That he’s sorry.

“Hi Auntie Claire,” Vivi singsongs as I sit on the edge of the bed, my dad resting one hand on top of mine, Avery’s coming down on my back. “I beatin’ Gamps.”

“What are you playing?” My throat is raw, making the words crackle.

“We payin’ go fish. Gamps said he wanted to take me fishin’ one more time.”

As if my heart isn’t already broken enough.

“Who’s winning?” I somehow manage, croaking my way through the two words.

Dad snorts weakly. “Who do you think?”

Vivi’s grin is broad as she thumbs at herself. “I winnin’!”

“Okay, sweetheart, let’s see…” Dad hums to himself, looking over his cards. “Do you have… any…sevens?”

Vivi glances at her cards for all of a split second. “Nope! Go fish, Gamps!”

Avery leans over her shoulder, tapping at a card.

“Dat a seben?”

He nods and kisses her temple. “Uh huh.”

Her little brow furrows. “Oh.” She looks at her grandpa. “Sorry, Gamps. I lie.”

He chuckles lightly, taking her card. “Not to worry…pumpkin.” His lips close around the straw in the cup of water Avery offers to him. “Charlee, when’s that…brother of yours…coming?” His words are slow and lazy, quiet.

“Dex is on his way. Just left Toronto a few minutes ago.”

He nods. “Good, good. Wanna…see him.”

“Of course.” Charlee looks down at her lap, hiding her tears. “I’ll tell him to hurry up.”

Turkey lifts his head suddenly, whining as he looks at Dad, his head cocked to the side. He crawls up his side, laying his head over Dad’s chest.

“Somebody better take care of my damn dog,” Dad growls out, making us laugh, even if it’s weak as hell.

Casey curses under his breath, looking away. I know what he’s thinking, because he’s brought it up at least ten times this past weekend. Casey wants Turkey, but the person who owns his condo unit doesn’t allow animals.

“We’ll do it,” Avery pipes up, glancing quickly in my direction. “Claire and I can take him. And Casey, when you get a new place, you can take him if you’d like.”
