Page 43 of Love You Wild

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I flush with heat and yank my arm back, walking ahead of her. “Sometimes. You know, when he’s all in my ear, whispering and shit.” I shiver just thinking about it. He’s got a dirty mouth and says whatever the hell he’s thinking. Pair that with his low, husky drawl and I’m good to go.

“Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Does he actually make you wet?”

“Yes, Charlee, Christ.” My eyes dart around the foot traffic surrounding us at the corner while we wait for the stoplight to change. “Can we not talk about this here?” I beg.

“I mean, it’s kinda big. Two weeks ago you told me Aaron couldn’t get you wet and you had to use lube. You clearly don’t have that problem with Avery.”

“Clearly,” I grumble, because I don’t need the reminder that the man makes me feel like a leaky faucet. “Though the man is sex on legs, so that’s probably why.”

“Uh huh, that’s why.” She looks sidelong at me, her blond curls flying behind her with each long stride. “Why won’t you just admit you like him?”

“I don’t like him,” I insist, a little too firmly and a lot too quickly.

“You do like him.”

“Do not.”

“Do too.”

“Shut up.”

“Thought so.” Her smug smirk tells me she’s satisfied that she’s won this round. I’m just too tired to argue with her. I need beer. And lots of it.

When we stroll through the restaurant doors five minutes later, my ears immediately pinpoint Casey’s boisterous laugh. It makes me smile. I’m glad he’s getting a fun night out.

My gaze floats over the room before landing on my brother. Our gazes meet and he calls out to me, waving. “Claire Bear! Over here!”

My cheeks blaze. Must he yell that name in public?

We slip across the floor and I stop dead in my tracks when I spy the rest of our group.

I turn, so fucking slowly, to glare and shoot daggers at my best friend.

Charlee gives me a gritty, guilty-as-sin grin, and giggles. “He-he-he…” Then she scoffs at my expression and rolls her pretty brown eyes, swatting my shoulder. “Oops. Did I forget to leave out who our dinner guests were?”

“You evil, conniving, little bitch.” I pinch her in the arm while she squeals with a bout of mischievious laughter.

“I love you, Claire Bear!” She grabs my hand and dances over to the table, dragging me behind her.

I can’t tear my eyes off the table as much as I want to. All four men are sitting at a huge, u-shaped booth tucked into a secluded corner of the restaurant. Casey, Dex, and…Wyatt and Avery.

I clench my teeth a bit, but mostly my thighs. Juices are flowing when they definitely shouldn’t be.

This can’t and won’t be good.




Avery’s wearing that ridiculously pompous smirk of his as he watches us approach the booth. The man is drop-dead sexy and he knows it. I only tear my eyes away when Dex steps out of the booth to wrap both Charlee and I in a hug. Charlee slides in between him and an incredibly happy Casey, who kisses her on the cheek. That’s the second time today he’s done that.

Wyatt steps out and gives me a hug and peck. “Lovely as always, Miss Claire.” He gestures for me to climb in between Avery and him. I’d rather not, but I do, because I’m a glutton for punishment, clearly.

Avery slips his arm around my waist and tugs me into his side, pressing his lips to my cheek. There’s a hell of a lot of cheek-kissing going on in this booth tonight.

“Well hello, gorgeous. Fancy seeing you here,” he purrs in my ear.
