Page 13 of Camden

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Not that I’m thinking about that at all. In fact, it seriously has never crossed my mind. I’m so busy trying to give Travis a good life and work a new career, dating and relationships are far enough down on my list of priorities I can’t even really see them.

But I love Kiera for not being afraid to say something like that to me. Because sure, one day, I fully expect I will date again.

I imagine I will probably fall in love. While Mitch was my soul mate, I don’t believe that we’re only allowed one in this lifetime. I love Kiera’s courage not to tippy-toe around such things.

“First, you’re single because you won’t date,” I point out.

Kiera’s eyes sparkle. “Dating’s for romantics. I just want to have a good time. Something super casual with a stud of a man. What’s your excuse?”

“I don’t have time to date,” I say, picking up my sandwich, poised to take a bite. “What’s your excuse in not finding a stud of a man to have a good time with?”

Kiera cocks an eyebrow. “Oh, I don’t know, how about the fact I have a full-time job and look after three nephews?”

“Oh yeah.” I grin mischievously as if that thought had not occurred to me. “I guess we’re in the same boat.”

I sink my teeth into that first sumptuous bite and groan with satisfaction. Whoever decided on this combination of fries and coleslaw as part of a sandwich is spectacularly brilliant.

Kiera eyeballs me over the top of hers held in both hands. “Booty calls are way easier than dating. A little wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am is truly all we need.”

I nearly choke on the food in my mouth and have to take a few sips of water. “Booty calls? Seriously… who even says that?”

“Me,” Kiera replies proudly. “I think booty call is a fabulous term.”

“Well, that’s not exactly something I would understand. Mitch was my one and only.”

Kiera’s mouth drops open as if she can’t believe such a thing is possible but then snaps it shut. “That’s right. He was your first boyfriend so that makes him your first…”

Her words trail off but I understand where she’s going. “Yep. I have never been with another man other than Mitch. Thus, I’ve never had a booty call.”

“Did Mitch, like, ever come home from the arena for a quickie?”

“Yeah.” I sigh wistfully. “He did.”

“Then that was technically a booty call. A monogamous one, mind you, but a booty call all the same.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “I feel so progressive.”

Kiera looks at me, deadpan. “Well… I have perfected the art of non-monogamous booty calls so if you ever want advice, let me know.”

This piques my curiosity and I ignore my sandwich. “Have you had booty calls since coming to Pittsburgh?”

“Yes, I have,” Kiera states with a proud lift of her chin and a satisfied twinkle in her eye. “And it was fucking awesome.”

“I want to be like you when I grow up,” I quip as I pick up my sandwich again.

Talk of hookups subsides and we chitchat about life and all the things. Kiera’s one of those women I could sit and talk to for hours. Our conversational topics range from sex to world politics to cheesy movies. We spend a lot of time comparing notes on raising boys since she’s so involved with her nephews.

When we’re finished, we gather our trash and deposit it in the bin. Outside, I button my coat and turn my collar up against the chill. The sky is dark gray with the smell of snow coming.

“Let’s get the boys together soon,” Kiera says. “Maybe Travis can do an overnight.”

“He’d love that.” I glance at my wristwatch. “I’ve got to get going to make the carpool line. He’ll be furious if I’m late since he’s going skating this afternoon with Camden.”

“Really?” Kiera drawls, a blond eyebrow cocking up high and a quirk on her lips that tells me she’s making something of this that isn’t there.

“He’s a friend. I’ve known him a long time and Travis knows him. He offered to help out since Travis is starting youth hockey next week.”

“That’s awesome,” she says as we walk down the block toward the parking garage. She hooks an arm through mine. “I have noticed that Camden is unbelievably handsome.”
