Page 62 of Camden

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But she won’t because she can’t. We can’t do anything like that with Travis in the house and we both know it.

I try to sound casual when I ask about what I really want to know. “Are you going to Tillie and Coen’s housewarming party next Saturday?”

“I think so,” she says, and I can hear the smile. “I’m trying to set up a babysitter. I assume you’re going.”

“Yeah.” And I’m feeling all kinds of weird about it. How will I act around her when surrounded by my teammates? Do we ignore each other?

I guess we’ll have a practice run tomorrow night at the gala. That will be such a huge event, I probably won’t even see Danica other than in passing. But an intimate team gathering at Coen’s house? Well, that’s going to be tough.

“So listen…” Danica says, but the tentative tone sets me on edge, “I’m going to be staying at the hotel tomorrow night after the gala since I intend to have a few drinks. Travis is staying overnight at his friend’s house.”

My shoulders relax even as my dick jumps. “What are you suggesting?”

“Well,” she drawls coyly and I can almost envision her twisting a lock of hair around her finger. “Maybe you can do a sleepover with me.”

“We’d get no sleeping done,” I point out.

“Of that, I’m sure. But I know we can find plenty to keep us occupied.” God, she has no idea all the things I want to do to her, and tomorrow we’ll have all night to figure it out. “I have to leave early in the morning to get Travis to hockey practice.”

“Care if I come?” I ask. We’re at a weird stage where I don’t know if it’s cool to ask such things. “I could see how he’s playing and give him some advice if—”

“I want you to come,” she interjects. “Not to help Travis but because I want to spend time with you.”

“Then I’m there.” We have a game that night, and I need to be at the arena around two, which raises the question, “Do you and Travis want to come to the game Saturday? I can get you tickets. Since it’s an afternoon game, maybe we can go out for dinner or something after?”

“That would be awesome. I know Travis will go bonkers when I tell him.”

“It’s a date, then.”

An unconventional date with a woman and her kid, but a date all the same, and I can’t wait.

“I’d better head back in before everyone wonders what happened to me. See you at the gala tomorrow night.”

“See you tomorrow night.”



When Brienne decidedto throw this gala to launch the Adam Norcross Charitable Foundation, she breezily said we have about two hundred and fifty people. That amount sounded outrageous to me at the time, and now that I’m in the ballroom and see how many people that actually is, my nerves are slightly spastic. I haven’t had to do much since I arrived tonight. While I’m the one who organized this event, it’s one of Brienne’s assistants, Molly, who’s walking around with an iPad and ear mic handling last-minute details and helping people find their tables.

The venue is beyond lovely and I know that Brienne is shelling out close to a hundred grand for the evening’s festivities.

The extravagant ballroom has a stage on one end and a dance floor with a DJ on the other that will see plenty of use later tonight. Multi-tiered crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, dimmed to emit the barest of golden glows. The tables are covered with white linen and adorned with beautiful floral centerpieces that sit low to not obstruct anyone’s view of their dining companions. Tiered candles flicker in the middle, adding a small bit of extra light by which to converse.

The food Brienne wanted is being catered by a chef who owns a Michelin-starred restaurant here in Pittsburgh. Everyone will enjoy a sumptuous five-course meal while speakers talk onstage about our foundation. We’ll start with an appetizer of seared scallops with a truffle sauce, followed by a light and refreshing salad of mixed greens, heirloom tomatoes and crumbled feta cheese. The main course is a choice between a succulent grilled filet mignon with a red wine reduction or a buttery poached lobster tail, served with a side of roasted asparagus and truffle mashed potatoes. There’s also a vegetarian dish of penne with fire roasted vegetables. Dessert is a decadent chocolate mousse cake with a raspberry coulis. My stomach rumbles at the thought of such a meal, especially since I’ve been so busy today, I haven’t managed to eat anything more than a piece of toast this morning and a protein bar at lunch.

The bar is open and the prevailing theory is that alcohol will loosen the purse strings. Brienne has every conceivable liquor, mixer and garnish available. There is an extensive selection of specialty drinks, including classic martinis, margaritas and cosmopolitans. I was impressed as hell that Brienne worked with someone to create an original drink for tonight’s event, a signature cocktail of champagne, elderflower liqueur, and fresh strawberries. It’s being brought out by white-gloved waitstaff on trays to pass out to guests.

Brienne has mercifully kept me by her side since we arrived, a relief because I have no clue how to mingle in circumstances like this. Most of my work for the foundation has been behind the scenes, but tonight I’ll become the face of it. While I’m incredibly extroverted when I’m in comfortable circumstances, I don’t feel like I fit in this world and maybe I never will. Brienne has been introducing me to everyone and although I can’t remember a single person’s name, it’s helped ease me into the evening.

It’s interesting that Brienne introduces me merely as Danica Brandt, director of the foundation and never as the wife of Mitch Brandt. I think she does that so I’m seen as a businesswoman first and foremost and not as a widow to be pitied.

Everyone will know soon enough as I’m scheduled to give the opening remarks, during which I’ll invite Brienne to the stage so she can boldly ask people to open their checkbooks.

Despite my nervousness and in between meeting people, I’m still trying to get a glimpse of Camden when he walks in. He’s a definite as he did indeed try on his tuxedo and found it still fit, even with the extra muscle he’s packed on this season. I was at home when he texted me.It’s a little snug so I won’t be eating a lot.

I like snug, I replied.

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