Page 28 of Cable

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Cable started with his mate’s inner thighs, pressing soft kisses along his skin, then followed them up with nips and licks. As he slowly moved toward Sam’s balls, Cable brushed his fingers over the backs of his mate’s knees, loving how Sam shivered in response to his touch. Seconds later, Sam’s fingers were combing through Cable’s hair, and tiny whimpers escaped his throat.

Cable was lost in Sam’s scent, in how goose bumps peppered his mate’s skin as his fingers ghosted from the backs of Sam’s knees to his ankles then back up again. Then his tongue reached Sam’s balls, and Cable couldn’t resist any longer. He mouthed them, lavishing the wrinkled skin with his tongue as he moved his hands up until he was cupping his mate’s ass.

“Oh god,” Sam whispered as he spread his legs wider. He caressed Cable’s hair, his fingernails scraping along his scalp.

Cable devoured his mate’s sac then licked his way up to the base of Sam’s cock, using the tip of his tongue to trace the heavy vein until he reached the tip.

Sam’s breath hitched, and when Cable looked up, his mate’s eyes were closed and Sam was biting his bottom lip. With a grin, Cable parted his lips and swallowed Sam’s cock to the root.

Cable stroked along Sam’s cock with one hand and cupped his balls with the other while his tongue set a steady rhythm over and around Sam’s shaft. He felt the tremors starting, and he glanced up to see his mate’s eyes roll back in ecstasy.

That was exactly what Cable wanted to see. He loved watching as his mate fell apart, loved how his face contorted into pure pleasure. The human was so damn beautiful that Cable was willing to do anything for the guy.

Slipping a finger beside Sam’s hardness, Cable wet his finger then shoved it into his mate’s ass. He managed to work a second finger in, scissoring them.

Sam began to thrust, his hips punching forward, small bursts at first. Then he buried his cock down Cable’s throat as he threw his head back and cried out. Cable swallowed every last drop before he eased back. Then he stood and claimed his mate’s lips, taking Sam’s sweet taste into his mouth.

They moved until the backs of Sam’s knees hit the bed, and then they tumbled backward, Cable careful not to crush his mate. Sam ate at his mouth hungrily as he curled his legs around Cable’s waist.

“Please,” Sam begged into Cable’s mouth. “Need you.”

“You have me.” Cable grabbed the lube off the nightstand and lathered his cock before he tossed the bottle aside. He growled as he pushed forward, meeting his mate’s tight hole, inch by inch, until he was fully seated. Then he started moving, feeling the pleasure radiating from his mate as if it were his own. Sam roamed his hands over Cable’s back, pushing him deeper and deeper.

Cable thought he was going to lose his mind. Being inside Sam was like nothing he’d ever experienced before, an ecstasy that Cable couldn’t get enough of. He wanted to stay buried inside his mate, wanted to make Sam scream with pleasure until they both couldn’t take anymore.

They moved together, Cable thrusting harder and faster as he felt Sam’s orgasm approaching, felt the clenching of his muscles and the trembling of his body as he erupted around Cable’s cock. Cable followed right behind, exploding inside of his mate as Sam cried out his name.

This had been exactly what Cable needed after what he’d just been through. An anchor, a mate to come home to and get lost inside of. Someone who would chase away his worries and make him feel as if he had something to live for.

“I love you,” Cable whispered as he stroked Sam’s red hair. “Not sure if I’m supposed to this soon, but I do.”

Sam threw his arms around Cable as Cable eased out of him. “I love you, too.”

In that moment, everything felt right in the world. Tomorrow was a different story with another battle, but as for tonight, or should he say the early dawn, Cable had never felt so content in his life.

Chapter Nine

Sam wasn’t ready to go back to work, but all too soon it was Monday morning. He was up before the rest of the house and in the empty kitchen, watching and waiting for the coffee pot to fill. The scent was enough to wake him a little more. Sam liked getting up early when he had to work the morning shift. He hated rushing out the door.

It wasn’t even light outside as he finally poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, enjoying the quietness. Ever since Cable had declared his love, Sam had felt as if he were walking on a cloud. His mate had even asked Sam to move in, and Sam had agreed.

Unfortunately, that meant living even farther from his job, and now Sam wasn’t able to walk to and from work like he normally did. Then again, after being attacked in the alley and his neighbor trying to kill him, Sam wasn’t keen on returning to his apartment or going to and from work alone.

Besides, he liked Cable’s family. That was what this pack was. A family. Sam felt it every time they interacted. Every time they had each other’s backs. He’d never had that, not since his mom died and, truthfully, not even then. His mom had been wonderful, but she wouldn’t have been able to protect him from vampires.

Not like Cable did. Whenever Sam thought of his mate, his heart swelled with so many emotions that he felt like it would burst. He’d finally found someone he could love and someone who would love him right back.

Sam had never thought that would happen. It wasn’t as if men had lined up around the corner to date him. His red hair was off-putting to most, but Cable seemed to love it. The pack hadn’t said a word about it, and no one had called him that dreaded nickname that most redheads had.


They acted as if Sam was already a part of their family, and Sam couldn’t have been happier.

With two hours before he had to be to work, Sam got up and looked at the filled trash can. Someone must have forgotten to take it out last night, and since Sam had already showered and dressed, he shrugged at having to take it out.

If he lived there, he would pitch in. He wasn’t the best cook, so helping to keep the house clean was no sweat off his back, though the house was huge. Sam hoped he didn’t have to clean more than his share. To be honest, the house stayed clean, but the filled trash can was bugging him.

Sam pulled the bag out, tied it up, then headed out the back door. He wasn’t even sure where the outside cans were, so he looked around until he spotted them on the side of the garage, their lids tied down with bungee cords.
