Page 57 of Rescue Renovations

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CookoutsatChayse’sdad’shouse is one of my all time favorite things to do in the summer. Every year, the number of people who attend grows, along with the number of kids. Some might look at it and see absolute chaos, but this is our family and I love them all.

Papa quickly secured his spot as one of Penny’s favorite people not long after we got back together. Turns out, he’s a great babysitter and ever supportive of making my girl an independent woman, at least that’s what she tells me. She loves spending time with him out in his shop and might become a little grease monkey like her Aunt Emerson. Chayse and I try to share our love of renovations with our girl, but her mind is more mechanical than mine will ever be.

Good thing we have her brothers to try and sway our way. That’s right, brothers. I proposed to Chayse on New Years Eve that first year we were together. Yes, we were only together for a little over half a year, but like my dad said, when you know, you know.

Chayse is the best fucking mom out there. We got married on St. Patrick’s Day and found out a month later we were pregnant. Imagine our shock when we learned at the appointment that we were having twins. Apparently, they run in her mom’s side of the family and we’re the lucky ones to have the most recent set. The boys just turned two and are lovingly known as our twin terrors. They are all boy and have been giving us a run for our money since they both started walking at ten months. I like to blame it on Penny since she was always trying to get them to follow after her.

Chayse is still the head nurse at the hospital's ER, but thankfully they have been able to maintain the nurses they need so that I can have my girl home most nights of the week with me. As for my job, business is booming. Reid and I now have 6 different crews who all have their own foreman. There’s a shit ton more paperwork than we would like, but we still get to go out on the job site and get our hands dirty.

Our life is so busy, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Actually, that isn’t true. Chayse found out a few weeks ago that we are expecting again. We weren’t necessarily trying, but we aren’t upset about it either.

After all the work and the memories we made at her home, we decided to sell mine and make it our forever home. It’s closer to all her family and it will be easy enough to add on a room or two with our ever growing family. We are impatiently waiting for that first doctor’s appointment to make sure we aren’t going from a family of 5 to a family of 7. I love my twins, but I can’t imagine myself with two sets.

Like I said, Chayse and I aren’t the only ones with the growing families. Not long after we got back together, Spencer and Emerson both found their forever men. Let me just say the grass is most definitely greener on the other side once you know you’re with the right girl. I don’t begrudge either of my brother-in-laws for the journey they’ve had to go on with their girls. The Wilson women are tough as nails and take no shit, but they are also the most loving and loyal ladies around.

Papa Wilson also has a new lady in his life and the girls handled it pretty well. My mom played matchmaker and brought one of her friends from her book club who was also a widow. They both lost the loves of their lives, but have formed a beautiful bond together that started from their shared loss.

My mom and old man have lovingly claimed Emerson and Spencer’s kids as their grandbabies as well. To say a lot of them aren’t lacking love and attention would be a gross exaggeration.

As for Ashley and Penny's relationship, it's as solid as ever with Ashley giving my girls the best present she ever could. The first time Chayse and Ashley met, they hit it off. There was no animosity from either of the ladies, but rather acceptance and gratitude towards each other. They actually got along so well that they've become close friends. As for the present from Ashley, she came to me with the suggestion that Chayse adopt Penny and officially become her mom. I obviously was thrilled and couldn't wait to help Ashley put her plan in motion. We had a special picnic where Ashley made her offer. There were so many tears of joy, laughter, and smiles that it will forever be one of my favorite days.

Life is so fucking good, and I can’t wait to see where the future leads us. No matter what Chayse and I face, I know I’ll be able to handle it because I have her forever by my side.
