Page 44 of Signed for You

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I look up at him and find his eyes filled with the same deep sadness I have no doubt are in mine.

“What about your family? You never talk about them either.”

“My family is complicated, let’s just put it that way,” Crow says as he chuckles.

“Oh come on, you have to tell me more than that! I don’t even know if you have any brothers or sisters! Tell me something. Anything,” I insist.

“Alright, fine.” His eyes look around the room as if trying to find something to encourage a memory to pop into his mind.

“OK, so I do have brothers. Two. One younger brother and one older. My little brother Zak is hilarious, I mean so smart that it’s hilarious. Like he’ll come out with all these random facts constantly. He knows everything about everything.” He laughs as he seems to be imagining him. “My older brother, Coran, reminds me a lot of Victor actually. He’s the business man of the family, very straight faced. He can be harsh but he gives a shit, like really gives a shit. If he cares about you, you’re set for life kind of thing, you know? They drive me nuts but I’m lucky to have them,” he concludes just as the door opens.

I jump up to my feet, filled with both anxiety and dread, unsure of who to expect.

"Answer your phone, your dad’s worried sick." The words come out of Victor's mouth before he's even fully entered the flat, leaving me feeling guilty for having left my phone unattended in the midst of such a chaotic situation. I pull my phone from the pocket of my coat hanging on the chair behind me and notice the numerous missed calls. All off Dad and Victor.

The phone rings again, this time allowing me to answer immediately.

"Is Victor there?" my dad's gruff voice asks. There's mayhem and shouting in the background, though it sounds more the voices around him are filled with anger and frustration this time rather than fear and danger.

"Yeah, he just got back, Dad. Is everyone OK?"

"I need you to stay there for a few days while I sort everything out. Crow and Victor are staying with you. The house is too dangerous for you to be at and so is the club. Until I get this fucking crap sorted, you need to stay put, you understand me?" It's not a request but a demand, one I dislike but know not to argue with.

"Of course, I'll stay, but you have to keep me updated and make sure that Alice and Kira stay safe too."

"They're in good hands, Charlie. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know what's happening. I love you." And with those parting words, he hangs up and leaves me stranded with the two men that I can already tell don't want to be stuck in the same country together, let alone the same flat.

"You can have the bed, we'll sleep in here,” Victor tells me as he takes off his suit jacket, leaving only the white crisp shirt underneath.

I look uncomfortably around the room, wondering where they plan to sleep exactly. It's not the largest of spaces.

"I'll sleep in bed with Char, we usually sleep together anyway." My eyes immediately bore into Crow’s, taking in his words and the heated glare I feel radiating through the back of my head towards Crow from Victor. I can see the smallest hint of a smirk on Crow’s face, confirming what I suspected - that he said that on purpose.

It isn't a lie, we do often sleep together, but not at all in the way that Crow is insinuating, and he damn well knows it.

"Virgin Mary over here is declaring that I'll sleep in the bed by myself, thank you both very much,” I say in a huff, knowing that if this is how tense it feels after only a matter of minutes in the room together that this is not going to bode well for any of us.

"You're a virgin?" The shock is palpable on Victor's face as his brows crease together and the out of place confusion fills his tone.

"Yes, I'm a virgin, job done. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Can we get back to a conversation that doesn't revolve around my intact hymen now, please and thank you."

"Right," Victor says as he shifts uncomfortably while Crow sits with the same smirk still plastered on his face. "Food?" he asks as he lifts what looks to be a takeaway menu in our direction.


"Your dad’s just texted me, I have to go,” Crow says, filling the awkward silence as he hastily gets up to leave.

"I thought we all had to stay here?" I ask, outraged at the fact that he can so easily leave and yet I've been guilt tripped into staying here.

"You have to stay, but your dad wants me which means I need to go. I'll be back in a bit, princess,” he says as he drops a kiss on my head before leaving.

Victor releases a sigh of what seems to be relief as Crow leaves, which makes me feel even more awful for taking over his space.

"I can ask my dad to let me stay somewhere else if you want, I don't want to be overstepping by being here."

Victor looks up at me, confusion covering his face.

"Why would you be overstepping?" he asks, seemingly genuinely unsure.
