Page 119 of The Purrfect Handyman

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“Go ahead.” Sully opened another drawer and pulled a t-shirt over his head. “You just scared the ever-lovin' shit out of Sheba. A commando team of Navy Seals couldn’t pry her from under the couch.”

Alanna fumed as she shoved her wet socks into her purse. She’d call the police anyway. Or maybe a team of firefighters. They were good at rescuing cats, right? Maybe the FBI needed to consult on this?

But she knew Sully was right. Petunia listened to no one. She’d come out only when she was good and ready. Plus, Alanna didn’t even have a cat carrier with her. Sully hadn’t hurt the cat so far. Hell, he’d built his prisoner a huge cat tower. Petunia would be safe for one more night.

“Fine,” Alanna gritted out. “But this isn’t over.”

Sully muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, “We’ll see.” He pulled on a pair of worn jeans and zipped up the fly. After searching through the sheets, he finally reclaimed his glasses and shoved them on his face.

“Come on,” he said, beckoning her out of the room.

“What?” Alanna was immediately suspicious.

“I’ll drive you home.” His voice sounded tired. In the shadows, his face was a mask, his eyes cold and distant. Only the wildness of his hair belied the beautiful sex they’d shared such a short time ago.

“I’m not getting in a car with you,” Alanna said. “What if you kidnap me, too?”

“I’m trying to get yououtof my house, woman!”

“Don’t bother. I’ll see myself out.” She stomped toward the door, her sneakers squishing with each step. How could she have been so blind, thinking she’d finally found the one and only nice guy on the planet? Served her right for going soft. And she’d practically been ready to rent him a U-Haul and bring him to L.A. with her.

She’d been such a fool.

Alanna grabbed the knob of the front door, then stopped and turned. Sully stood against the wall next to the bedroom door, hands balled into fists.

“I’ll be back for Petunia tomorrow,” she told him. “I’ll be taking her to L.A. with me. Don’t even think about getting in my way.”

“You’re going to L.A.?” Suddenly, the anger in his rigid body was gone. Sully slumped against the wall like a boxer on the ropes, one punch away from hitting the deck. The anger in her heart loosened for a moment. Then, her eyes found the massive cat tower in the corner of the room. The tower he’d made forhercat.

Without another word, Alanna flung open the front door and slammed it behind her. The rain came down in a steady curtain, and Alanna’s teeth were chattering even before she pulled her phone out of her purse and opened her Uber app. Not a single available car appeared in town. Damn, Roger! He’d probably called it a night after the play, especially after downing two beers at the show.

The nearest car was in Sagebrush Canyon, the next town over, and the app gave her a predicted pick-up time of 20 minutes. Great! Alanna huddled miserably on Sully’s front porch as raindrops slid down her back. She resisted the urge to turn around. Would Sully let her wait inside until her ride showed up?

Alanna dismissed the thought immediately. No way in hell would she give him the satisfaction. Jutting her chin, Alanna marched next door, her dress clinging to her bare ass. She stepped onto Tess’s porch and pounded on the door. After another round of knocking and a couple dozen doorbell rings, the porch light blinked on.

The front door eased open, and a frizzy-haired Tess glanced out. Her hazel eyes widened when she caught sight of her visitor.

“Alanna! God! I thought I was being swatted or something.” She pulled the door open wider. A unicorn on the center of her blue cotton pajama shirt pranced over the words,I believe in magic. Little rainbows danced across her matching cotton shorts.

Alanna stomped past her. “Your pajamas are adorable! I just had the best sex of my life with Sully! And he stole my cat!” she shouted.

Tess closed the front door and stared at Alanna for a moment. Then she spoke the words that indeed proved magic was real. “I’ll open a bottle of wine.”

Ch. 42 Sully

Alannasmiledupathim, her hair a spray of gold on his sheets. Sully leaned over her, watching her perfect breasts rise and fall with her breath. Those ripe, strawberry nipples needed his mouth. But, then again, so did her pale throat and that teasing bottom lip now caught beneath her teeth. So many choices. Well, he'd just have to work his way down the menu, making sure to fully explore and appreciate each option.

Sully blinked awake. His cock ached with readiness in the pale sunlight of morning. For a moment, all was well. Better than well. Sully breathed in the slight whisper of Alanna’s vanilla scent on his sheets. He remembered those taut nipples in his teeth, that velvet throat, her slick, hot core pulsating with her orgasm under his mouth.

And then he remembered the other part.

The cat.

The accusations.

The wet dress yanked down over her body. Her furious eyes. His own anger, like ice freezing through his veins.

Los Angeles.
