Page 149 of The Purrfect Handyman

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She smiled. “I know you are.”

“Whoever he is, he doesn’t deserve you.”

“Actually, I think it might be the other way around.”

Thomas pulled back and gave her a wry smile. “You’ve got it bad. Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me and my penis.”

Alanna closed the door, knowing Thomas and his penis wouldn’t be lonely for long. This time, when she sat back down to her plate of Hamburger Helper, the food had congealed into a stiff solid. With a sigh, she stood and put the food in the microwave.

“You wished it was him at the door, didn’t you?” her mom said as she patiently continued her knitting at the table, the red blob in front of her noticeably larger and now more sock-like in appearance.

“Who?” Alanna asked just for shits and giggles.

“How long are you going to stay mad at him?”

The microwave beeped. Juggling the hot plate from hand to hand, Alanna managed to set it on the table without dousing herself in the rewarmed food. She and her mom weren’t under a pile of blankets in the Cave of Secrets, but she still felt compelled to tell the truth.

“I’m not mad at Sully anymore. He really was the better guardian for Petunia…” She grimaced. “…For Sheba. And I said some awful things, too. Neither of us is innocent.”

“Then why are you moping all around the house?” her mom asked.

Alanna shot the older woman an annoyed look. “I’m not moping! I’ve been planning my new business, putting together my client pitches—"

“And moping,” her mom insisted.

Damn. When had her mother become so wise? Alanna put down her fork and met her mother’s soft gaze.

“I think… I think I’m scared,” she admitted. “He said something that, well, it hurt. He apologized, but what if it’s true? That I really don’t care about anyone but myself?”

Dede stood, walked to Alanna, and put her arms around her daughter. “My darling, if you didn’t care about anybody but yourself, why is your heart torn in two? Why are you staying here in Yucca Hills for me when that dirty lawyer man got you out of your contract?”

“You heard that, huh?” Alanna said. She leaned her head back. It felt so good to be in her mother’s arms. Her entire childhood, she’d always striven to be strong and self-sufficient, the savior of her family. It felt nice to allow herself to be a little vulnerable.

“The Alanna I know never let a little fear stop her,” Dede said. “And beneath her hard exterior, she is one of the most loyal, compassionate, and caring people I know.” Her mom kissed the top of her head. “Don’t back down now, Alanna. Let your love through.”

Her mother was right. Of course, she was.

Alanna laid down her fork for the third time that night and stood from her chair. Renewed purpose beat in her chest. Why had she spent all these days waiting… no, moping around and expecting Sully to magically appear on her doorstep? Hadn’t she told him she was moving to Los Angeles? They’d never been able to talk about what that might mean for their relationship. And after the Petunia/Sheba fiasco when she’d called him a pauper in front of everyone, he might not want anything to do with her.

Perhaps the real reason she’d made no effort to reach him was that she’d been afraid. What if he rejected her?

Well, so what? Better to find out the truth than to wallow in a tower like some vapid fairytale princess waiting for someone else to slay the dragon and rescue her. No, she would find Sully and they would have a come-to-Jesus conversation. If he wanted her as much as she wanted him, they’d find a way forward.

Alanna squeezed Dede tight into a hug.

“I got all my strength from you,” she told her mother. Then she marched into the living room and stuck her sore feet into her Manolos.

Alanna Fucking Sandoval slayed her own dragons.

Ch. 52 Sully

AsSullyturnedontoDede’s street, a ridiculously expensive BMW coupe rolled through a stop sign and sped by in the opposite direction. In the seat beside him, Sully’s passenger released a long, petulant wail.

“I know you hate being in the car,” Sully said to the miserable cat, “but it can’t be helped.” As he continued down the street, his eyes landed on Dede’s house, specifically the candy-red GT sitting loud and proud in the driveway.

His heart jumped so high into his throat that he almost choked on it.

Alanna was still in town.
