Page 153 of The Purrfect Handyman

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But not yet. Until then, she gazed down at the man sleeping in the bed next to her. His face, relaxed in sleep, was so beautiful and dear. She loved every part of it, from the small mole near his jaw to the strong swoop of his eyebrows, and the long lashes that trembled with his dreams.

Sully was so fucking handsome. Though, if she were being honest, she liked him better with his glasses. Somehow, the lenses completed him.

His hair was mussed—she’d made sure to take away all its neatness last night—and the soft wavy locks brushed over his forehead. Alanna loved to transform Sully, peeling away the clean, nice-boy layers of him until she found the hot, sinful man beneath.

And he was sinful. The things he’d done to her last night had made her beg for mercy.

Alanna’s wicked smile grew a little wider.

Gently, she smoothed the hair away from his brow. Sully sighed, nuzzling his face into his pillow and slinging a possessive arm over her legs, as if, even in sleep, he could feel her close.

Alanna glanced at the clock again, then slipped her phone from the charger on “her” nightstand. She’d already checked and re-checked everything last night, but she was nothing if not thorough. She pulled up her calendar with its one large action item listed for today, then loaded a website from her bookmarked folder. Yes. Her quarry was still available.

The Batman alarm clock erupted with a high trill.

Sully jerked into a sitting position, sputtering. “Wha?” he asked. “What’s happening?”

“It’s called an alarm clock. Normal people use them to wake up,” Alanna informed him. She leaned across him to turn it off, since she seriously doubted he knew how.

Sully glared at the alarm clock, his hair adorably sticking out from one side of his head. “It’s not supposed to do that,” he pouted.

“I bewitched it,” Alanna said.

“Just like you bewitch me.” He leaned forward, and Alanna was all too happy to give him a long, lingering kiss. Morning breath be damned.

“Is there a reason you needed me awake on a Saturday morning?” he asked against her mouth, his voice husky with suggestion.

“Yes, there is.” She bit his lip teasingly. “But not for that.”

He frowned, and Alanna laughed. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later. But we’ve got a mission.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “A mission? I’m intrigued. I like missions.”

A lithe figure leapt onto the bed. Alanna still couldn’t quite get over Sheba’s transformation. The large, fluffy feline nonchalantly marched over Alanna’s legs and nuzzled against Sully’s arm, a deep, rolling purr erupting from her throat.

Sully stroked Sheba’s head. “Doesn’t get better than this. Waking up to my two favorite ladies.”

“Watch out, I might get jealous,” Alanna warned.

Sully leaned over the cat and nibbled Alanna’s ear. “You’re my favorite, but don’t tell Sheba.”

After a quick shower with Sully, Alanna gobbled up a plate of scrambled eggs and scrolled through her emails. Even on a Saturday, they were piling up.It’s good to be busy,she reminded herself. She’d need to put in some calls this afternoon and maybe swing by The Rose and Thorn to review the renovation progress with Theo. If the meeting didn’t take too long, she’d try to make it back to Sully’s place afterward and jump in on his meditation session.

Alanna had never envisioned herself as someone who meditated, but Sully was encouraging her to take time for the practice, and it was helping. She didn’t feel as manic or stressed, even running her one-woman PR show. Or, two-woman PR show, actually. Her plucky executive assistant, Renee, was moving to town next week. Score!

Sully sat down next to her at the breakfast bar, his brown eyes twinkling in amusement behind his glasses. His hair was still damp from the shower. God, Alanna wanted to rake her hands through it again and again and again.

“Are you going to let me in on our mission?” he asked.

“Nope,” she teased. “Eat up. We’ve got to leave in 15 minutes.”


Alanna checked the supplies she’d brought along for their “special mission” one more time before closing Stella’s trunk. Over the past weeks, Alanna had sold or given away the majority of her luxury clothes and accessories, but she never once considered parting with her Mercedes GT. A hardworking girl boss deserved to spoil herself at least a little!

Sitting next to the GT in the driveway, Sully’s Mazda CX-9 had undergone a serious facelift. Though he had his hands full with his own projects, Sully had found time to pull off the SUV’s dented panels and replace them with new ones. A sleek silver paint job had transformed the SUV into a new and beautiful beast. But, of course, Sully had seen the vehicle’s potential all along.
