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Still I—

“Code blue!”

Alarms blare.

A crash cart manned by several nurses whips by me, heading for…

Oh, no…

Please, no…

Falcon walks out of his sister’s room, his head in his hands.

I don’t think.

I only act.

I walk swiftly toward him.


He looks up, sears me with his dark gaze.

“She’ll be okay.”

His tan face has gone pale. “She stopped breathing.”


He grabs me then, crushes his mouth to mine.

I pull away.

“Not here,” I whisper.

He takes my arm, yanks me along behind him. I have no idea where we’re going, and I don’t care.

I care only about him.

I don’t know why.

I don’t care why.

Only that I’m going with him. Anywhere. If he takes me to the end of the hallway and wants me to jump out the window with him, I will.

That’s how hypnotized I am by Falcon Bellamy in this moment.

We end up near the end of the hallway in a vacant hospital room.

He closes the door, leaves the lights off.

“Tell me no,” he says.

I swallow. “Tell you what?”

“Tell me no. Because if you don’t—”

“Yes,” I say. “The only word you’re going to hear from me is yes.”

He grabs me and his mouth descends on mine once more.

The kiss… It’s more fervent and passionate than it was last night. His tongue strokes mine, and he tastes the same, like cinnamon and mint but without the caustic bourbon.

He growls into my mouth, dives in deeper with his tongue, and I do what I knew I’d do.

I respond.

I kiss him back with equal fervor and passion.

I kiss him back with a desire that this kiss never end.

I lose track of time as our lips slide over each other’s. I lose track of thought as well.


He rips his mouth from mine and inhales deeply.

I lick my lower lip, savoring the taste of the kiss.

“Damn…” he growls.

I say nothing.

“Take off your skirt,” he commands.

I widen my eyes.

“I didn’t stutter, did I?”

I shake my head, trembling.

“They made me leave. They kicked me out of her room. What if she…? What if—” He rakes his fingers through his head. “Do it, Vannah. Take off that damned skirt. I can smell your pussy already.”

I don’t doubt it. My pussy is on fire, throbbing. I can feel how wet I am, and I squirm against the intensity.

Falcon unbuttons his jeans, unzips them.

And all I can do is stare.

His shirt is still on, but he drops his jeans and his boxer briefs to mid-thigh.

And my God…

He wasn’t kidding.

Nine inches. Eight at the very least.

And a damned respectable girth as well.

Nothing that size has been anywhere near me, but I have to have it.

I have to have it now.

I scurry out of my skirt, my panties, kick off my pumps—

“Leave them on.”

I raise my eyebrows.

“The shoes. They’re sexy. Leave them on.”

Simple black pumps are sexy?

I don’t care. He wants them on, so they’ll stay on.

I’m putty at the moment. Freaking putty.

He advances toward me, his eyes on fire, even in the dark hospital room. He slides his fingers between my legs.

“Fuck…” he grits out. “So wet.”

I close my eyes, savor the feel of his hand on me, and when I open them, he moves his hand, brings it to his mouth, and slides his tongue over his fingers.

And I get wetter.

“Damn, you’re sweet. God, I’d love to eat you. Suck all the cream out of that pussy and make you come until you can’t stand.”

“God, yes,” I say on a sigh.

“But not this time. I’ve got to get inside that tight little cunt. I already know it’s tight, Vannah. I already know you’re going to glove me like nothing else.” He pushes me against the wall.

No bed. No naked.

He turns a moment, and I notice the bandage on his left hip.

“Are you in pain?” I ask.

He turns around, faces me, his hard cock jutting forward. “Do I look like I’m in pain?”

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. What do I think I’m going to say? Of course he’s in pain. There’s a crash cart in his sister’s room. We may well leave this room and find her gone, after he went through such a painful procedure today to save her.

“I don’t have a condom.”

“I… I’m on the pill. And I haven’t been with anyone for a while. I should be more worried about…”

He comes close so that our mouths are only inches apart.

“No one touched me in prison. I made sure of that. I haven’t been with anyone since my furlough over a year ago, and I used a rubber. I just had a blood test for the procurement, and I’m negative for everything. So stop this fucking talking. I need you. I need you now.”

I nod. “Then take me. Take what you need from me.”

He grips the sides of my hips, lifts me, my back still against the wall, and then shoves his cock up inside of me.
