Page 80 of That Next Moment

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“I assure you.” I reached over and lowered her hand from the seam. “It’s going to stay in place. You look stunning, and I’m kind of upset that Milo can’t see these photos before the wedding day.”

Jamie’s eyes met mine from the rear-view mirror. She had offered to drive in case I needed to make any adjustments from the backseat. The dress was perfect, but Madeline’s hair, on the other hand, was going to need some touch up. Carter sat in the passenger seat, loading his camera bag and reading his first SD card.

Madeline’s eyes widened. “Please tell me he’s still blocked from the page.”

I gave a single nod. “He’s blocked. Can’t even look me up.”

She exhaled, taking a long, slow breath from her lips as she turned and looked out the window. “I can’t believe I’m marrying Milo in three weeks.”

I smiled at her, a flood of happiness rushing through me for my best friend. I remembered the day they met so vividly, the way those two completely shut off from the rest of the bar. They didn’t even notice when Clay and I snuck out. Back then, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, and now, all I wanted was to have him near me.

I shifted in my seat and pulled my phone from my bag. Clay was at the office with Elliot, the first time since our date that we had spent the day apart, and I missed him. Maybe he could meet at the park? Maybe I could take him to dinner after? Maybe. . .

“Are you going to text him?” Madeline whispered, leaning over to me.

I smiled, felt the heat rise to my cheeks and shook my head. “Yes,” I said, matter-of-factly.

“I love it.” Madeline’s voice was soft as she turned back to her dress, her palms flat on her thighs as she ran her hands over the lace. “Almost as much as this dress.”

My phone pinged in my hand, and when Clay’s name appeared before I could even text him, my heart turned just a little bit.

Clay: Good luck today with the bridals. Maybe sneak a picture for me?

Ophelia: No sir, these photos will be hidden from your Instagram feed as well.

Even though Clay had promised a million times he wouldn’t show any of this to Milo, I still told Carter to hide his name when he posted the photos. I was taking no chance. The bubble danced as he typed, but then it stopped, and a FaceTime call came bursting through.

I answered it quickly, shifting my body from Madeline so she would be completely hidden. Before I could say hello, his voice rang through my ears.

“What do you mean I’m hidden from the feed? I see your posts every day. I like them. I save them. I’ve showed my parents.”

His ranting made me laugh, which made Madeline turn to look at me, biting the tip of her tongue.

“You can’t see because I am taking no chances that Milo will see,” I said, a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. This man always made me smile. I simply couldn’t help it.

He furrowed his brow and dropped his jaw, a small piece of brown hair falling into his face. Behind him was a busy office. A few people passed by his desk, taking a peek at who was on his phone. Elliot even appeared and waved at me.

“That’s not fair at all,” he grumbled.

“Uh, yes, it is,” Madeline retorted. “Under no circumstances can Milo see this dress. There will be a bloodbath.”

“He’s asked me a few times when you and Phe are going to go shopping. He knows it hasn’t happened yet, and he’s getting a tad bit nervous,” Clay said, his expression completely changing since he knew he was addressing Madeline.

“He’s not nervous. I know he’s not nervous,” Madeline said. I pursed my lips and watched her face twist.

“Okay, maybe he’s notthatnervous. We have all been fitted for our tuxes. He looks good, by the way.”

“I know. I helped him pick it.” Madeline leaned over in the seat, trying her hardest to tilt her body toward the phone screen. I pinched my brow at her and moved the phone to my shoulder, completely blocking Clay from any view.

“Phe, maybe you should just give the phone to Maddy. That way I can talk to her—”

“Oh, no,” I interrupted. As cute as their little conversation was, he was not going to trick me that easily. “You, sir, are forbidden from seeing Madeline right now. Her hair is perfect, and her makeup is spot on and you”—I pointed at the screen and pinched my brow—“are forbidden.”

He laughed, which sent a chill down my spine.

“Okay, okay.” He waved a hand up. “I get it. Forbidden.” He paused for a moment, his lips turning into the smile that made me want to kiss him. “See you tonight?”

I nodded.
