Page 102 of Rescuing Kaye

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Color spreads across the sky, shades of light pink and sunflower yellow. Waves crash against massive rocks below us, booming with power, and the salty breeze carries hints of charred wood from previous bonfires to our noses.

Before we know it, we come to a gentle stop. The door to the gondola opens and we step out onto the rocky beach. We head toward a massive stack of wood where the others are gathered.

Overhead, the clouds deepen their colors with plumes of vibrant orange and deep ochre red. Soft yellows and pinks still frame the backdrop, but will give way to dark blue and eventually black as night grabs hold of the sky.

For now, however, the sun is just beginning to set. Laughter and music fills the air as we approach the firepit and those gathered around it.

“I can’t believe we’re going to meet the rest of the band.” I grip Rosalie’s hand and give a squeeze, far more nervous and starstruck than I’d like to admit.

“Hey, you made it.” Skye jumps up from her seat on a large log of driftwood. I remember her from my first night at Guardian HQ and the awkward conversation we had regarding what Scott did to me.

I cringe a little, unsure of how to mix that professional interaction with this much more casual setting. However, there’s no reason to be worried, because Skye says nothing that relates back to that conversation.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” I rub my hands on my jeans, far more nervous that I want to admit.

“Well, let me introduce you to everyone. We’ll start with the band.” Skye gestures toward Bash, Spike, Bent, and Noodles. “You already met Ash upstairs. This is Bash, our drummer.”

Bash comes over to meet us.

“Bash, this is Kaye and her roommates Carmen and Rosalie. Barbi should be joining us later.” Skye mentions our missing roommate, but continues on without missing a beat.

“Hey there.” Bash greets me with a warm smile. When I stretch out a hand to shake, he grins and pulls me into a hug. “Sorry, but you’re one of ours now.” He does the same with Rosalie, leaving us both speechless. Carmen gets a hug too, but she’s already met the band.

“This is Spike, our lead guitarist.” Skye continues the introductions.

“Nice to meet you.” Spike also hugs each of us in turn. Up close, his multiple facial piercings are wicked and insanely attractive.

“This is Bent, our bassist.” Skye gestures toward a bear of a man with a mop of curls on his head.

“Welcome.” Bent wraps us up in a massive bear hug, making us laugh.

“And this is Noodles, keyboardist, Zen guru, surfer, and friend to Old Joe who has yet to take a bite out of him.” From the grin on Skye’s face, she references an inside joke.

I have no idea who Old Joe might be.

“Ignore her. Nice to meet you.” Noodles makes the rounds with the hugs.

“You already know Mitzy.” Skye points to Noodles. “If you can believe it, our hyperactive pixie and Mr. Zen are married. Piper…” Skye scratches her head. “Not sure if you’ve met her, but she’s our lead physical therapist. Phenomenal woman. Bent claims her. She’s with Holly and Angel, and will be back once the sun sets. They’re on gremlin watch, which means they’ve got kid duty and are out terrorizing the denizens of our tide pools. Holly’s with Bash and Angel’s with Spike.”

Skye props her hands on her hips and glances at a second group of people, the members of Alpha team; none of whom I’ve met.

One of them stands and approaches. “Nice to meet the new ladies of Bravo team. Name’s Max and I’m very pleased to meet you. Let me introduce you to Alpha team.”

Over the next few minutes, Carmen, Rosalie, and I meet Max, Knox, Axel, Griff, Liam, and Wolfe. Like the men of Bravo team, they’re tall and solid, packed with muscle. Drool-worthy and heroes, they’re kind and gentle to us, but I can only imagine how ferocious and terrifying they would be on the battlefield.

When Rosalie, Carmen, and I don’t move, Max heads to several coolers. “Ladies, you might as well get comfortable and take a load off. We’ve got beer, wine, water, juice—pretty much whatever you want. Hard liquor too. What can I get you?”

We give our drink orders—all wine—and take our place around the firepit. Max hands out plastic wine glasses, then pours our wine.

“Thanks.” Carmen takes a sip, then her eyes widen. “This is really good.”

“Nothing but the best.” Max fills up my glass. “Now, where’s Bravo team? They’re slacking, leaving their women alone.”

“Lay off the girls.” Skye shakes her head and laughs. “Rafe’s got Bravo team helping in the kitchen, and don’t go stirring up trouble.” She looks over her shoulder and points to the gondola. “I bet they’re coming down now. Which means, food will be here soon. Bash, you want to round up the gremlins?”

“On it.” Bash jumps to his feet. Bent joins him, and together they wander toward the water and the rocky outcroppings where several children squat around the tidepools with a few adults.

The gondola picks up its passengers and makes its way back to the beach. Max, along with the rest of Alpha team greet Zeb, Rafe, and Hayes with friendly smiles and fresh cold beers. The men carry food to several spots around the fire, chatting and laughing with each other like family.
