Page 103 of Rescuing Barbi

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He turns his attention to me, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and affection. Our hands reach out and our fingers intertwine in a symbolic union of unity.

“Take care of them. I’ll see you soon.” His words carry a sense of urgency, his grip on my hand tightening.

“You’re not coming?” This isn’t what I expect.

A surge of conflicting emotions rushes through me. I don’t understand what’s happening, but there’s no time to argue as he helps me into the helicopter. Part of me wants to stay by Alec’s side, to support him in the battle that lies ahead. But I know my place is with the rescued women and children, ensuring their safety and providing them with the care they need.

It’s then that I understand his part in this isn’t done.

Reluctantly, I nod, acknowledging the weight of his words. “Be safe.” My voice fills with both concern and longing. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

With that, Alec releases my hand, turning back to his team as Bravo team readies themselves to return to the fight. I watch with a mixture of pride and worry filling my heart. He is a Guardian, a warrior, and I trust in his abilities to protect and prevail.

As the helicopter prepares for takeoff, I join the rescued women and children. The excitement and relief within the cabin are palpable, a sense of freedom mingling with the tension that still lingers.

I glance out the window one last time, catching a glimpse of Alec. As the helicopter ascends into the sky, a mix of emotions swirls within me. I can’t help but feel uneasy, leaving Alec, but my focus must now shift to the women and children I’m responsible for.

Inside the helicopter, a collective sigh of relief echoes through the cabin. The rescued women and children huddle together, once broken and defeated, they now find solace in each other’s presence. They exchange smiles and words of comfort, knowing they’re finally free. I move among them, offering words of reassurance, gentle touches on their shoulders, and a smile to let them know they are safe.

Rebel sits beside me, her gaze fixed on the passing landscape below. Her fiery spirit remains, though tempered by the weight of her experience. I sense her quiet strength, and there’s an unspoken understanding between us. We endured the horrors of captivity, and now must find a way to rebuild our lives, but what is she hiding?

As the helicopter carries us to safety, I cling to the belief brighter days are ahead, where love, healing, and a newfound sense of purpose await us all.



Along with Rafe and Hayes,we make our way back to the chaos and sound of gunfire. Acrid smoke fills the air. Besides the gun battle being waged, the structure is now on fire.

We hit the ground running, dodging the onslaught of bullets and explosions coming from the burning building.

My heart pounds in my chest, sending adrenaline coursing through my veins. It’s been too long since I stood alongside my Bravo team brothers, and the reunion fuels my determination to put an end to this nightmare.

Rafe and Hayes flank me, their presence a comforting reminder we’re in this together. We move with purpose, our training and instincts guiding our every step. The weight of a weapon feels familiar in my hands, and I tighten my grip, ready for whatever lies ahead.

We round the corner to find the enemy waiting for us at the entrance of the building with their guns raised. Three idiots hesitate when they see us, but before they recover, we’re already on them. I take two down while Hayes takes the last man standing. Rafe rushes through the smoke-filled doorway with Hayes and me right on his heels. Inside is chaos—men running everywhere and bullets ricocheting off the walls as they attempt to flee or fight back against their attackers.

That’s us. We’re the attackers.

My heart hammers as I take out our enemies, putting them out of commission one bullet at a time, until there’s no one left standing.

Rafe and Hayes, with their HUDs, lead me through the chaos. As we round a corner, my eyes lock with the rest of Bravo team. Brady, Booker, and Zeb stand tall with several of the Rufi standing beside them.

The sleek, black, metallic frames of the Rufi glint in the dim light. Mitzy’s creations are quickly becoming an invaluable asset to the Guardians. One of the Rufi approaches. Clasped in its arm, that’s also its head, is a helmet for me.

I grab the high-tech helmet and lower it over my head with a sigh of coming home. I lack the battle armor my team wears, but the helmet makes me feel like I’m back to being a part of the team.

“Bravo-Six, signing in.” My voice activates the safety protocols and signs me into the helmet. “Let’s finish this.”

I don’t know what the overall tactical plan might be, but it’s bigger than simply rescuing Barbi and me. All four Guardian teams, and at least one pack of Rufi, are on this mission.

Whatever we’re doing, it’s big.

Max, the leader of Alpha team, approaches, his gaze focused. He looks at me, his eyes conveying a silent understanding of what I endured. He knows this is personal for me. We may share the same determination, the same commitment to bringing down Artemus and ending his reign of terror, but I’m out for blood.

No one does what Artemus did to Barbi and gets away with it.

No one.
