Page 10 of Crimson Wrath

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I’d better get the hell out of here!

The front door has nothing more than a flimsy latch holding it closed. This must be my lucky day, after all. Or amateur hour. Whatever. It suits me just fine. The door opens with a groan, and icy wind and snow swirl into the cabin as I step outside.

And then I run. Branches whip at my face and ankles as I race into a nearby forest, stumbling over roots and rocks. Each breath tears at my lungs. But I run on.

I run until the cabin disappears into the gloom behind me. Until I can run no more. Until I collapse against the base of a tree, gasping and shaking, and realize with dull shock that I’ve escaped.

I’m free.

Holy shit, I’m free!

For now.

Stumbling farther into the snow drifts, it doesn’t take long before disaster strikes yet again. Stepping blindly into the darkness, I tumble off a small outcrop of rocks and curse beneath my breath as I feel my ankle twist awkwardly beneath my weight as I land heavily at the bottom of a bank.

“Fuck!” Pushing myself onto my feet has pain searing up my calf. “Fuck, fuck!” I can’t run anymore. It’s almost a relief as my lungs scream for mercy. But that’s not all that will be screaming if he catches me.

Don’t panic.


Sinking back against the rocky bank, I take in air and try to get my bearings.

The cold seeps into my bones. Icy wind buffets my face as I glance around at the dense forest surrounding me. Nothing but snow and shadows stretch as far as I can see.

I’m alone. Stranded in the middle of nowhere with no supplies, and no shelter.

And a sprained ankle to boot.


Yeah, right.

Saying that again is really going to help.

Panic rises in my throat like bile as the severity of my situation sinks in. It’s cold…verycold, and I’m not dressed for this weather. I need to get help. Fast.

Fumbling for the phone in my pocket, my fingers close around the familiar shape.

Oh, thank God!

The jerk from the cabin didn’t take it. But that doesn’t mean I’m out of danger just yet, because I’m out in the middle of fucking nowhere, and I don’t know if the stupid thing is going to work.

Please still have service, please still have service.

Lifting it to my face, the screen illuminates the dark. No service. Of course, there isn’t. Because why would anything be going in my favor right now?

Pull it together, Scarlett.

There’s no time for self-pity now.

Crawling on all fours, I make my way back up the hill I just tumbled down, casting an eye down at the screen of my phone every now and then. I can’t be too far from Anton’s estate, and there seemed to be no problem with cell phone service there. I’ve got to be within range somewhere around here. Ihaveto be, dammit.

And then I see it. One flickering bar.


My finger hesitates on the Contact button.
