Page 17 of Crimson Wrath

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I stare at him, the words not quite registering.

A cat burglar?

Scarlett is a thief?

I down the rest of my whisky, letting the burn mingle with my warring thoughts.

“Apparently she’s wanted for stealing a priceless diamond earlier this year. Something called the Rose Star,” Luka continues. My eyes widen because I’ve heard of it. “My contacts say she’s been on the run while the rightful owner has been on her tail. They say she had it with her, but now it’s out of circulation. I’m guessing she lost it somewhere.”

“Blyad!” I could sense she had secrets. But this? This is fucking unbelievable. And she was living under my own goddamned roof. Rage rises yet again, and I slam my fist on the desk, sending the empty whisky tumbler crashing to the floor.

“Find out more,” I snarl at Luka. “I want to know everything. And then I want her back here.”

Luka hesitates again, dark eyes troubled. “Boss, you must consider if this is wise. Getting involved with a criminal like her—“

There’s so much irony in that statement I don’t even bother pointing it out.

“Do not question me!” I snap, then surge to my feet. Luka takes an instinctive step back, flinching. I take a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. He was right earlier. I need my wits about me. “Just do as I said,” I say, quieter this time.

Luka studies me for a long moment, then nods silently. He’s already pushed me further than I’d normally permit. He leaves, and I sink into my chair, slumping back against the backrest.

She’s a fucking thief. So much is making sense now. The strange behavior with Nikolai. The secrets. The odd little slip-ups; picking locks, scaling buildings. I brushed it all aside, blinded by lust, while she played me for a fool.

How could I have been so fucking stupid?

But even now, knowing the truth, I can’t stop wanting her.

I have to find her. Have to claim her, body and soul, and then teach her a lesson that she will never forget. I reach for the whisky bottle and put the neck to my lips, pulling deeply as I mull this over. A smile begins to form as things start to fall into place.

She’s going to want that stone back.

And I have a feeling that I know where it is.

Chapter 6


I’m still cold.

A shiver courses through me as we step into the dimly lit motel room, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on the worn-out furniture. Even though I’m safe here, I can’t help but feel a sense of foreboding creeping in, tightening my chest.

Carl tosses his coat onto one of the sagging beds and looks around, his eyes narrowing. Tony leans against the doorframe, arms crossed, while Cody and Jess exchange glances.

“Welcome to the glorious Fleabag-Carlton, where all your dreams can come true,” Jess chuckles.

“Guess this will do,” Carl mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. “At least it’s only for tonight.”

I walk over to the window, peering through the gap in the heavy, moth-eaten curtains at the empty parking lot below. It’s quiet. Almost too quiet. My heart pounds in anticipation of what’s to come.

I have to go back to Anton’s estate. I have to get the stone. Whatever I find there.

Or whomever.

“Scarlett,” Jess begins, worry etched on her face. “Are you okay?” She’s been concerned since we got to the outskirts of this rundown suburb, worried that I’d been too quiet. I’m fine now, physically. But as for my head…

It’s a clusterfuck of confusion.

I push my thougts about Anton aside and my grip on the curtain tightens, knuckles turning white. “We need that diamond.”
