Page 26 of Crimson Wrath

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Dammit, this should be a no-brainer.

What would Pops say if I asked him for advice now? After Ma left, he raised me single-handedly in a world that most people would have been horrified to see a child grow up in.

But I turned out okay…didn’t I?

Maybe not, Scarlett.

You’re a freaking cat burglar!

But I have a moral compass. I’m a good person. Or am I?

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

This is too hard!

Maybe I’m not cut out for motherhood. Maybe I shouldn’t be having this baby.

The thought hits me like a ton of bricks and I feel my heart stuttering. It had never crossed my mind that I’d do anything else. This is my child. I’ll move heaven and earth to make things right for this little soul.

I huff out a breath and rub the spot between my eyebrows where a headache is starting to brew.

“Anton,” I finally say, my voice shaky. “I don’t know the right answer here. But I do know one thing. We’re in this mess together, whether we like it or not. And as much as I want to hate you for dragging me into your world, I can’t.” I pause, swallowing hard. “Because…because I care about you and Nikolai.”

He turns back to face me, surprise flickering in his eyes. The tension between us ramps up another notch – as if that were even possible.

“Scarlett—” he starts, but I cut him off.

“No, let me finish. You’re not the only one with secrets and mistakes. I’ve put both of us in danger at times too. I know that. I admit it. We need to stop blaming each other and start working together if we want to get out of this shitstorm. If we want to save Niko.” My heart races as I stare into his eyes, trying to convey the sincerity of my words. “Truce?” I hold out my hand, wondering if he’ll take it.

For a moment, he hesitates, searching my face as if looking for any hidden agendas. I hold my breath as I wait for him to respond. Because I’m afraid he’ll turn me down. But somehow, I’m even more afraid that he’ll accept me.

Chapter 9


My mind races wildly as the weight of Scarlett’s offer hangs in the air between us.

Her eyes search mine, filled with uncertainty and hope. In her presence, I feel a vulnerability I haven’t experienced in years.

I fucking hate feeling vulnerable. It feels foreign. Unsettling.

“Truce?” She extends her hand, her fingers trembling just a little.

I hesitate, my thoughts still spinning as I consider what it would mean to accept her help. Do I trust her?CanI trust her? Is she sincere in her offer to assist me, or is this just another ploy to protect herself and escape?

I take her hand in mine, her fingers small and warm against my skin. “Scarlett, I…” My throat tightens, the words sticking like glue.

Her gaze doesn’t waver, her expression earnest. “Anton, we can’t keep fighting each other if you want to save Nikolai…and you know I can help.”

The mention of my son sends a surge of anxiety through me. Fuck, she’s right – I need to focus on bringing him home safely. Nothing else matters until Niko is safe. I don’t even want to think aboout what he could be going through right now.

And I’ve just wasted almost an hour playing this game of cat and mouse with Scarlett. I release her hand.

Cat and mouse?

Is that what you call it, mudak?

“Anton?” she presses. A thick wave of rich crimson hair tumbles over her cheek, leaving her looking endearingly vulnerable. It makes me stop and think harder on this. Can I put my faith in her, and expose her to the dangers that lurk in the shadows of my world?
