Page 3 of Crimson Wrath

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My time is running out. Whoever is out there is coming in to put an end to me. I have no doubt about it.

The door swings open ominously, and I brace myself for whatever lies beyond it.

Come on, pizda!

I want to yell the words, but I save my breath for whatever is to come.

With the door fully open, I stare at the figure standing there, and my heart almost stops.

What the actual fuck?

Chapter 2


Oh, my God!

My head throbs as my eyes snap open in a cold, dark room.

I give an involuntary shudder at the sensation of ice in my veins. How long have I been out? Long enough for the cold to seep into my bones. The metallic taste of blood lingers on my lips. Panic floods my veins at the memory of being grabbed and then screaming, and then blacking out.

Someone hit me, I think. Knocked me out cold.

“Where am I?” My voice comes out hoarse and weak. I stare around blearily, trying to focus on my surroundings and figure out where I am. Wherever it is, I’m tied up tight. To a chair, from the feeling of things. My neck aches, probably from being slumped awkwardly forward for what must have been hours. My fingers are numb and my shoulders scream from having my hands tied behind me for so long.

“Awake at last,” a deep voice rumbles from the shadows. My heart hammers against my chest as an ominous figure emerges from the darkness.

Tall. Big. Definitely not friendly.


“Who the fuck are you?” I snarl, trying to mask my fear with bravado. He’s rough-looking, his hair cropped close enough to see the skin of his scalp, tattoos snaking up his arms and neck. His accent is foreign and feels like gravel grating against my nerves. Cartwright must really be scraping the bottom of the thug barrel with this one. Though he looks deadlier than the others, for sure.

“Doesn’t matter who I am,” he says, stepping closer. “What matters is what I want to know.”

“Which is?” I jut my chin out defiantly, though I know it’s a pathetic gesture. My head is throbbing. I’m pretty sure I’m sporting a shiner.

“The boy… Nikolai,” he spits out the name with venom. “Where is he?”


He wants Niko?

Oh, hell no!

“Fuck you,” I spit back. Every cell in my body aches, but I won’t let this bastard get to me. I don’t know why the jerk wants Niko, but there’s no way I’m going to betray him. “Why don’t you speak to his father?”

God, did Anton make it out?

Did they kill him?

I can’t think about it.

“Your boyfriend left you to rot with us. Not that he would be much use to you now.” The bastard grins at me.

Not much use to me?

Oh, God, he’s dead!
