Page 40 of Crimson Wrath

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My heart swells for a second before I realize just how precarious his position is. Aside from the risk of falling into the rising pool of cement, at any moment, Volkov or one of his men might spot him. There’s no telling what they’d do if they thought he was getting away.

“Carl!” My voice rings out with an urgency that doesn’t have to be feigned. “Remember the backup plan. The others! Call in the others!” He stares at me for a second. There’s no fucking backup plan, no others – aside from Jess, Cody, and Tony back at the van. And I doubt Cody could do much more than fling his iPad at someone.

But Carl and I have worked together long enough to read each other’s minds.

“Got it, Scar!” he yells back, then gives a shrill whistle. “Get on over here. We need you now!” he shouts to nobody out there. I watch Volkov’s eyes dart to me as I pray we manage to buy Nikolai precious seconds.

The kid moves swiftly, his small body employing the climbing techniques I had taught him. A sense of pride swells within me, my heart aching as he painstakingly scales the pit’s walls. All the while, I maintain the charade, hoping to distract Volkov just long enough.

“Come on, Carl, give it stick!” I shout again.

“Fucking whore!” Volkov yells, staring in my direction with eyes that could kill.


Me and my big my big mouth.

Of course, there’s no way I can avoid the fallout. I doubt he needs much incentive to get rid of me. I cast a desperate look around and lock eyes with Luka. I blink once, then shift my eyes sideways. It only takes a second for him to spot Niko too. Thankfully, the only indication he’s seen anything is a flicker of his lashes.

Luka springs into action. “Move!” he roars, then follows it with a flurry of Russian. Without further warning, the men who’d come in with us are spreading out, darting in a dozen different directions.

It’s not exactly the most elegant solution, but it’s a distraction that could buy us precious seconds. And it’s just enough to get Volkov’s attention, if only for a few moments.

It doesn’t take long for Volkov’s thugs to start shooting.

Rapid gunfire rings out and I dive out of the crossfire, grabbing at the grip of a pistol that’s skittered past my feet. I don’t need to look up to know that it’s from Luka. I curl my fingers around the unfamiliar surface – guns have never been a favorite of mine. In a pinch, I’ll use a blade, but even then, killing is something I’ve never had to do.

Until tonight.

I manage to scramble over to Anton, my heart pounding in my chest. He’s stirring, his eyes fluttering open with a dazed expression. I reach for his hand, pulling him up, urging him to move.

We need to get out of here…now!

“Anton, you have to get up!” My voice is urgent, and I don’t wait for a response. Running on sheer adrenaline, I drag him upright, doing my best to avoid the bullets as the construction site turns into a war zone once again. Time is running out, but Anton’s strength returns, his posture growing more steady with each passing second.

“Niko!” His voice is slurred and heavy with pain. I gesture toward the spot where Nikolai had last been, praying that he’s still there and safe.

“He’s out! Over there,” I say, pointing, then press the gun into his hand. Thank God I don’t have to use it. “We need to move!”

He shakes his head as if to clear it, but I’m certain my words have sunk in. Along with the understanding of what I just said. Niko is out of danger.

For now.

I look around us, looking for a way to get to Nikolai. It’s hard to tell friend from foe, but for now, Luka and the others seem to be doing a good job at keeping Volkov’s men occupied. Not for long, though.

My attention is drawn to Art, who I spot rushing forward toward someone. He staggers as a bullet slams into his shoulder, sinking to the ground, clutching at himself in agony. I watch in horror as he collapses.

“Artie!” My voice is hoarse. I’m unable to do anything but stand there and watch.

Then I see where the bullet came from – one of Volkov’s thugs stands over Art with a smug smirk on his face. He takes aim again, ready to finish what he started just before Luka appears from nowhere and takes him out with a slicing motion that leaves the man’s throat gaping open.

Luka ducks to one knee, reaching around Art’s torso and hauling him to his feet. Hooking Art’s unharmed arm over his shoulder I watch in astonishment as he drags my friend to cover.

“We have to get Niko!” Anton’s voice is growing firmer, and I swivel to face him again. He’s half on his feet, brushing me away when I try to help him to stand.


“I am fine!” His eyes are narrowed as he takes in the route that would get us to Niko the quickest.
