Page 51 of Crimson Wrath

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What the fuck, mudak!

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much but I don’t fucking like it. The chill in the air raises goosebumps on my skin, but I barely notice, too focused on finding any trace of her.

Outside, morning dew clings to the lawn, the air thick with the fragrance of flowers. As I comb the grounds, anxiety drives me. I find myself jogging through the gardens.

“Scarlett!” I shout yet again.

My little rabbit wouldn’t run, would she?

Not now.

But there’s nothing. No sign of her. Something unpleasant gnaws at my gut.

She left.

Gone again.

“Blyad!” My fist connects with a nearby tree, the pain grounding me for a moment.


I spin to the source of the voice and see one of the guards standing there.

“Everything okay, sir?” He stands to attention.

“The woman. Scarlett. Have you seen her?” I try to keep my impatience from my voice.

“No sign of anyone out this morning, sir. The team just did the rounds. If she was out here, someone would have noticed, sir.”

I give a terse nod, turning away from him.

My chest heaves, my breaths feeling shallow. The thought of her running away steals the air from my lungs. But I refuse to let that fear take root, clenching my jaw and silencing the doubts that scream inside me. We shared something last night. A connection that transcends our turbulent past. She wouldn’t leave…would she?

But what if this is something else? I fight down a feeling that I recognize as dread.

I’ve got to find her.

Determined to trust her, despite my instinct to expect betrayal, I head back to the house.

“Luka!” I call as I stride through the mansion’s entryway, my boots echoing off the marble floors. I find him in the large living area, engaged in conversation with some of the other men.

“What’s going on, boss?” Luka’s eyes narrow as he takes in my agitation.

“Scarlett’s missing,” I say, feeling the weight of those words in my chest.

The room falls silent, the men exchanging glances before returning their attention to me.

“Wasn’t she with you last night?” Luka questions, his eyes searching mine for answers.

“Da,” I confirm with a nod. “But when I woke, she was gone.”

There’s silence as these words sink in. For a moment, I wonder if he’s sharing the same suspicions I’d found myself harboring.

Don’t you fucking say it!

Luka’s eyes meet mine, and something flickers in their depths. “Strange,” he murmurs, stroking his beard in thought. “I didn’t see her leave. Maybe she had something she needed to do?” Luka goes on. “Where are her people? They will know. I’m sure of it.”

“We will know what?” a voice breaks in. It’s the woman, Jess, and the gangly kid. He looks like he’s just got up.
