Page 56 of Crimson Wrath

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“What the fuck do you think I mean, Scarlett? A man like Anton Ulianov, at my beck and call? That would be something, now wouldn’t it?” He steps closer to me. The expensive cologne he’s wearing doesn’t mask the stench of evil that rolls off him. “I know exactly how much you mean to him,little Zayka. You’re his second chance, after his wife was killed, aren’t you, dear? And now that I have your life in my hands, Anton Ulianov will do as I say. If he doesn’t, I’ll inflict pain you’ve never experienced.”

I stare at him in horror. Is he telling me that he’s planning to use me as some sort of bargaining chip to get Anton to be his lackey? If he is, than this is worse than I thought.

“So, I’m just a tool to you?” I spit out, seething.

“There is it. I know you’ll figure it out eventually.” Cartwright confirms with a smirk.

His words send a wave of dread down my spine. I need to find a way to get through to him, to convince him that letting me go would be in his best interest. But how? I can’t be stuck as his prisoner. It’s only a matter of time before he finds out about the baby I’m carrying…and then, he’ll have even more tricks up his sleeve to torture me and keep Anton at bay.

Time is running out.

“Victor, listen,” I start, desperation creeping into my voice. “I can help you. You don’t need Anton. I have skills. I can be useful to you.” God, please let him hear me out. I can’t let him force Anton back into the world he just escaped from. “You saw what I did; how I got past your best men to take the stone. You could use someone like me. I can work with you, even—”

“Shut up!” he cuts me off, his patience clearly wearing thin. “You think I can’t see through your pathetic attempts at manipulation? Save your breath, Scarlett; you’re not going anywhere.”

“Fine,” I snap, my temper flaring. “But you can’t keep me here forever. Anton will get hold of you, and when he does, you’ll have hell to pay.”

Victor chuckles darkly. “I’m counting on it.”

“You have nofuckingidea who you’re dealing with,” I hiss, my eyes blazing with defiance. I’ve seen my man in action. Yes,myman. I glare at Cartwright with pure hatred, imagining how he’ll pay for what he’s planning. Anton’s going to rip his goddamn heart out and make him eat it.

“Your confidence is admirable,” he taunts, stepping closer. “But misplaced. You’re mine now, Scarlett. And so is Ulianov. My dog on a leash.” His laughter is chilling.

“Fuck you!” I spit at him. I’m rewarded with a backhand that leaves my head reeling. I taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth.

“Watch your fucking mouth,” he taunts.

The floorboards creak behind him and Hector steps up closer, leering at me with undisguised lust.

“Don’t be too hard on her, boss,” he grins. “Keep her in one piece, and let me have some fun with her first.”

“Hector…” Cartwright turns to look at him. His eyes narrow in thought as he runs them over the man at his side. “You know what? Fine. Just make sure to keep her in one piece. We need her to keep Ulianov at bay, remember?”

Hector grins cruelly, then licks his lips as he looks at me.

“Over my dead body,” I snarl, unable to stop the bile rising in my throat at the thought of this pig touching me.

“You should be grateful I didn’t kill you, already,” Cartwright says, grinning maliciously as he turns to walk away from me. “She’s all yours, Hector!”

My heart races, panic setting in as Hector approaches me, his eyes raking over my body like I’m a piece of meat.

This can’t be happening.

It just can’t.

“You’ll regret this, you bastard,” I say hoarsely, my voice shaking as I keep tugging at unrelenting ropes.

“Shhh,” Hector murmurs, reaching out a hand to stroke my cheek. “You might just enjoy it, baby girl. In fact, I’m certain that you will.”

As his fingers come closer, I jerk my head away, revulsion surging through me. No matter what happens, I won’t give in. Anton has to find me; he just has to.

Not just for me…

I’m so sorry, baby.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” Hector says, his voice dripping with anticipation as Victor looks back, his eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction.

The air in the room thickens with dread, and as Hector reaches for me, I shrink back against the barrier of the chair. But there’s nowhere to go now. No cavalry coming in to save me.
