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After she and her family left town that summer, she andMark had kept in touch. A few years later, I’d been invited to their wedding.

“And look at us now,” Mark said.

Rose pushed their drinks across the counter. Mark paid and Trixie added, “There wouldn’t be anusif it weren’t for Magpie’s. Or you, Maggie. When we heard that Dez was selling, I couldn’t remember if I ever thanked you for all you do here. For all you provide. So, thanks.”

It wasn’t me. It was this shop. My mama’s heart pulsed in here. Her spirit. Her love of matching things—which sometimes included people.

I swallowed over the lump in my throat. “You’re welcome.”

No sooner had they walked out than Redmond and Sienna came inside, talking about Alistair. From what I gathered, the small bird had once again escaped, this time ending up at Red’s, where Redmond had been sleeping since his breakup with Javier.

“Aw,” Sienna said. “He misses you.”


She blinked. “Alistair. But probably Javier, too. Do you miss him?”

Redmond shifted foot to foot. “It’s complicated. If only he’d make better health choices… I don’t want to lose him to a heart attack because he can’t put down a cinnamon roll.”

Sienna smiled dreamily. “I like cinnamon rolls. Pillowy soft dough. Sweet vanilla icing. That gooey center? Heaven.”

“Yeah, they’re great if you like six hundred calories of fat, cholesterol, and sodium.”

She sniffed, annoyed. “Now I understand.”


Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “Why Javier looks for sweetness elsewhere. He sure ain’t getting it from you.”

Rose murmured, “Amen.”

“Hey now!” he exclaimed. “No ganging up. I’m sweet.”

“When was the last time you had a cinnamon roll?” Sienna asked.

Glancing at the bakery case, his gaze went straight past therolls and landed on a blueberry donut. His eyes flared with longing. “A long time.”

The front door flew open. A mighty gust of wind blew through the shop, bellowing a warning as it rattled tables, chairs.

“What in the world?” Rose asked, looking around.

Then suddenly Estrelle appeared in the doorway, seemingly out of nowhere.

Sienna sidestepped to hide behind Redmond, a sapling in the shadows of a giant oak.

Estrelle clomped inside, the sound of her shoes echoing. She looked from face to face. When her gaze landed on Redmond, it stayed there.

Sienna tripped over her words as she said, “I’m just, I’m going to—” She looked around. “Go get a picture of that recipe.” She hightailed it across the room to the blackboard.

Rose squeezed in close to me.

Redmond gulped as Estrelle stepped up to him, the top of her head only reaching his chest. Slowly, she looked upward, the hump in her back seeming extra round. She arched an eyebrow. Then she reached out with her gnarled fingers and squeezed his massive bicep.

Sienna gasped. Rose grabbed my hand and whispered, “Lordy mercy.”

Redmond flinched but otherwise held still.

It was an impressive show of courage. If I were him, I’d have been out the door and down the block by now.
