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Rose looked at the box as if it were a snake that might strike. Carefully, she reached out and picked it up. “What’s this?”

“A little something that reminded me of you.”

Carefully, she lifted the top, then an eyebrow. “Three whole chocolates? Mighty generous of you, Titus.”

Sam pulled open the door, took in the scene at the counter, and headed for the Curiosity Corner, where he picked up a hand-carved spoon with a curvy handle.

Titus was undeterred by Rose’s sarcasm. “They’re dark-chocolate truffles with a white chocolate, mango, and cayenne pepper filling. Sweet with a hint of heat. A perfect combination,if I do say so myself, and not just because I made them. I hope you enjoy.” He picked up his coffee cup. “Good day, Rose.” He tipped his head, turned, and walked toward the door.

Rose was still staring into the box, and I thought she was too dumbfounded to even say thank you, but then she lifted her head, looked at Titus’s retreating form. “Thanks for stopping in. Have yourself a nice day, sugar pie.”

Titus froze as he reached for the door, and in the glass I saw the reflection of his smile before he pushed the door open.

Rose glanced at me. She smiled shyly before giving herself a good shake. “I need to finish up in the storeroom.”

She practically ran down the hallway, still clutching the box of chocolates.

Mrs. Pollard said, “What do you think the chances are she’ll share the chocolate?”

“Not good, I suspect.” I turned to Sam. “It’s like I’m living in a romance novel. I wish Titus would come in three, four times a day.”

“Was that his first ‘sugar pie’?”

“Sure was,” Mrs. Pollard said. “Dang near brought a tear to my eye.”

Mine too. I smiled and motioned Sam to the counter. “Iced hazelnut latte and a whippy cup?”

“Yes to the whippy cup, but I think I’m going to mix it up today. How’s the caramel latte?”

“It’s my favorite,” I said, reaching for a cup. “I’m a sucker for anything with caramel in it.”

“Then I’ll give it a go.” He cast a quick glance over me. “How’re you feeling?”

Everyone had been asking this morning. So much so that I was almost hoping Candi Chitwood would take pity on me and strut around town in her bikini and cause another tomato incident.


It was sweet that people cared about me. And I really didn’t want Mrs. Harlin to cause any bodily harm to whoever dared desecrate her garden.

“I’m… so-so.” I didn’t want to lie. “Your mom’s jam is just about the only thing that tastes good.” I had eaten it again on toast in the morning and on vanilla ice cream last night.

“I’ll get you another jar.”

“You don’t have to do—”

“I want to, Ava.”

I glanced at Mrs. Pollard. She was now watching us with her head in her hands. I channeled my inner Rose and rolled my eyes.

The door opened and Jolly filled the doorway, speaking to someone still outside. “Yes, yes, I know you love Norman, but I thought you wanted some chocolate milk and a cinnamon roll.”

“Bye, Norman, byyyyye!” Hannah said in a loud singsong voice, then squeezed past her grandmother into the shop. She was once again wearing her Cinderella costume and her light-up sneakers. “Hi, Miz Ava!” she shouted.

Jolly looked to the heavens and followed her in.

“Good morning, Hannah! Hi, Jolly. I’ll be right with you.”

I finished making Sam’s drink, then filled a dish with whipped cream for Norman. Sam swiped his credit card and said, “Thanks, Ava. I’ll be seeing you.”
