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The lullaby.

I couldn’t help thinking that a week ago, I’d gone to bed in my apartment in Cincinnati, not knowing how my life was about to change, thanks to one crinkled letter. Now, here I was in my room at Dez’s house, listening to a murmuring sea.

I worked two jobs. I swam in the Gulf of Mexico. I talked with Mermaids. I walked with Snail Slippers. I sewed. I’d talked more in the past week than I had in my life. I’d laughed just as much. I had met so many interesting people and was enjoying their company.

Life was good. Better than I ever imagined it could be.

You’ll be happy in Driftwood.

The letter had certainly been right about that.

The moon and stars were hidden deep behind thick clouds, and I smiled as I looked out into the night, thinking of Sam. Earlier, he’d come by with welcome-to-the-neighborhood gifts of a plant and another jar of jam. He’d stayed to help me empty my hatchback, bringing boxes up to my room.

When he left for home, he said he hoped I’d enjoy the lullaby tonight as I fell asleep.

It had taken me a moment to remember that we’d talked about the sea’s lullaby, and I’d run upstairs and opened my bedroom’s back window so I didn’t forget. Then I quickly set about unpacking my things, wanting to feel fully moved in as soon aspossible. Wanting to create a space of my own. Comfortable butnota comfort zone. More like a nest.

Dez had let me choose several pieces from his collection to decorate with in addition to the painting of the butterfly that still hung on the wall by the door. I hadn’t dared move it.

I’d chosen an area rug done in a floral print, a hand-knitted throw blanket, a cast-iron cat doorstop that Molly kept hissing at, several throw pillows, a few classic books likeWatership Down, The Tale of Peter Rabbit,andCharlotte’s Web,and linen curtains with an embroidered hem.

I’d placed my stuffed Mr. Whiskers on one of the bookshelves and imagined adding more of my belongings once I retrieved them from my apartment in Cincinnati.

Dez had gone above and beyond to make sure I’d be comfortable here, and it showed, with the room having been transformed from cluttered to cozy in less than a week.

Still, I felt a little out of place. I’d gotten used to staying in Maggie’s house. I knew its sounds. Its quirks—like how the dishwasher door tended to stick and how the faucet in the bathroom dripped. I knew its smells—coffee and sunshine.

And I had to admit, here at Dez’s, I was a little lonely, even though Molly watched me from the doorway. I’d grown accustomed to having Maggie around, which seemed all kinds of silly because I’d stayed with her for only a little while. Yet, in that short time she’d become a dear friend. In a way, she’d started to feel like family. An older sister.

Earlier, Maggie had apologized profusely about not being able to help me move in, but she had been busy with the library’s rummage sale. Tonight, she’d also volunteered—or had been volunteered, as I was coming to understand—to work the ticket window at the local theater production ofThe Wizard of Ozand hadn’t been able to get out of it.

I hadn’t seen Dez at all today. He’d been busy with work, then he’d texted that he had dinner plans and told me not to wait up for him.

It was probably for the best, though, that neither was here. I had work to do.

I glanced at the carpetbags on the floor next to a wide dresser. Molly rested atop one of the bags.

“I hope that’s not the bag with Junebear in it, because I suspect we’ll both be upset if it is.”

She swished her tail.

I approached slowly, almost tiptoeing. “I’m just going to take the bag that’s sitting right next to you.”

Her ears flattened.

“You’re okay. You’re fine. You stay right there. You look comfy. Do you need a snack?”

Her whiskers twitched.

“Okay, it’s a no on the snack. Maybe later, though?”

I slowly reached out my hand and nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a crash in the attic.

Mollyreowed and shot like a missile under the bed.

With my hand pressed to my pounding heart, I stared at the ceiling.

Listening intently, I stepped out of my room. The scent of seaweed hung heavily in the air.
