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“It was an unspoken appointment.”

I moseyed over to the counter, smiling. “Oh, right. That explains it. I do hope you’ll forgive me.”

“I’ll take it under consideration.” She picked up a paper Stitchery bag and handed it to me.

Confused, I glanced inside to see a roll of tracing paper and a package of embroidery stitch-and-wash paper. They were the items I’d come here to buy. How had she possibly known?

I slowly lifted my gaze to meet hers behind that black netting. “You’re spooky.”

She started to smile, then quickly pursed her lips, as if not wanting to get caught enjoying herself. “I prefersurprising.”

I noticed she still carried no scent. “I suppose that works, too.”

“I’ll add those items to your tab.”

“I have a tab?”

“Yes. I’ll let you know when payment is due.”

“Why does that scare me?”

Her eyes flared. “That is for you to determine, not me.”

“You really are a kooky old bird, Estrelle.”

Slowly, she came around the counter and trundled back to the sewing table. “I’ve been called worse.”

Holding the bag tightly, I headed for the door. “Thank you for having this ready.”

“You are welcome. I know you’re busy and have a lot on your mind, denying what’s plain as day in an attempt to benormal.”

She said the word as though it was the most revolting word imaginable.

I shouldn’t be surprised she knew of my health history, not with the way she somehow had insight into that kind of thing, but I certainly didn’t want to verify it.

I tried to keep my face neutral. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She made a squeaky noise, and I realized it was a laugh. “Ava, your strength lies in the fact that youaredifferent. Normality is tedious and dreary. Why hide the extraordinary?”

She certainly didn’t hide how extraordinary she was. How she knew things, how she read minds, still baffled me.

But I wasn’t her. And while I recognized that extraordinary could be worthwhile, couldhelppeople, I didn’t necessarily want the attention that came along with it. After the bakery fire, I’d been so incredibly grateful, humbled even, to have caught it before it did serious damage, but I’d been unprepared for the questions. I’d been quickly overwhelmed by nosy, if not well-intentioned, neighbors.

Estrelle said, “Do you not see, child? There would be no questions if your abilities were widely known.”

I frowned at her, wishing she’d stay out of my thoughts.

“I speak only the truth.”

With a sigh, I said, “I need to get going. Long night of sewing ahead.”

When I reached the door, the monarch with the white wing came fluttering inside. It flitted near my face with its topsy-turvy flight pattern. I gulped.

Estrelle suddenly appeared at my side, held out her hand. The butterfly landed on her gnarled finger. I noticed thatboththe wings on the butterfly’s right side were now white, shimmering iridescently.

“You’ve traveled far in such a short time.”

I looked up, thinking she was talking to the butterfly, but her silvery gaze was holding steady on me. “There is still a ways to go, however. You are being weighed down by the past. You must let it go. It wasn’t your fault.”
